The Westall Incident: Unveiling the Enigma in Melbourne’s Sky, Australia (1966)

On April 6, 1966, a bustling crowd of students and teachers at Westall High School in Clayton, Melbourne, Australia, experienced a firsthand encounter with a mysterious event that would later become one of the most renowned incidents in Australian UFO history.

Witnesses observed an unidentified flying object gracefully maneuvering across the sky. Descriptions of the object ranged from a flying saucer to a shimmering silver diamond. Notably, the object didn’t confine itself to one location but flew low and swiftly before vanishing from sight. Some reported feeling the ground shake and hearing a sound akin to an explosion as the object passed overhead.

Immediately following the incident, the police conducted an investigation, yet the inquiry failed to yield a satisfactory explanation for what had transpired. The community witnessing these events found itself divided between those believing it was an extraterrestrial occurrence and those leaning towards alternative explanations.

Certain witnesses recounted being pressured to keep the events secret and were explicitly instructed not to discuss the incident. Research into the Westall event continues to captivate the interest of the UFO research community and stands as one of the most notable UFO cases in Australian history. Despite the passing years, the mystery surrounding the Westall incident persists, continually fueling curiosity and challenging the limits of explanation.