(VIDEO) Mel Gibson FINALLY Speaks Out On Oprah’s Secret Agenda T

Mel Gibson has long been known for his candor, but his latest comments threaten to unveil a shocking reality within Hollywood—one that implicates Oprah Winfrey. Once hailed as a paragon of success and compassion, Oprah now faces scrutiny over her connections to controversial figures like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein.

Epstein’s arrest in 2019 exposed a web of elite connections that has continued to raise eyebrows. With names of powerful individuals surfacing alongside allegations of child trafficking, the narrative surrounding Oprah’s involvement has shifted dramatically. Many are questioning her past associations, particularly her friendship with Weinstein, the disgraced producer who has faced numerous allegations of sexual harassment and assault.

Critics, including British singer Seal and actress Rose McGowan, have voiced concerns about Oprah’s complicity, suggesting she ignored the rumors surrounding Weinstein. Seal’s poignant Instagram post accused her of being part of the problem rather than the solution, while McGowan criticized her for abandoning the victims of other powerful figures.

Furthermore, Oprah’s endorsement of João Teixeira de Faria, also known as “John of God,” who was later convicted of sexual abuse, has marred her reputation even further. Despite her attempts to support the victims after his arrest, the damage was done, leaving many fans questioning her judgment and intentions.

As Gibson continues to voice his concerns about Hollywood’s darker side, it raises a critical question: How deep does the complicity of powerful figures like Oprah run? The film industry, often lauded for its glitz and glamour, is being forced to confront a troubling reality that many had hoped was buried.

In a time when accountability is demanded, the revelations surrounding Oprah challenge the narrative of her being a steadfast champion for women. As more voices join the chorus calling for transparency, the future of Hollywood’s elite is increasingly uncertain.