(VIDEO) 50 Cent & Denzel Reveals How Oprah Blackballed Actors Like Taraji P Henson T

Oprah Winfrey, often celebrated as one of the most successful talk show hosts and a trailblazing icon, is also no stranger to controversy. While many praise her achievements, others criticize her for allegedly exploiting black artists and underpaying black American actors. Recently, 50 Cent has teamed up with Denzel Washington to call out what they see as Oprah’s exploitation within the entertainment industry.

A Pattern of Undervaluation?

50 Cent’s issues with Oprah aren’t new. He has long accused her of building her empire by exploiting black talent, only to abandon them once they are no longer useful. One notable example is Monique, who claimed that Oprah, along with Tyler Perry, blackballed her after she complained about being underpaid for her role in the movie Precious. Monique was reportedly labeled “difficult to work with,” and 50 Cent publicly supported her, criticizing Oprah for her alleged actions.

Taraji P. Henson, another prominent black actress, recently echoed similar sentiments. Known for her role in the 1985 film adaptation of The Color Purple, Henson claims that Oprah treated her so poorly that she contemplated quitting acting altogether. “I’m just tired of working so hard, being gracious at what I do, getting paid a fraction of the cost,” she confessed. According to Henson, she hasn’t received a raise since her role in Proud Mary in 2018. When she spoke out, she faced criticism, but she stood her ground, emphasizing the need to pave the way for future generations of black actresses.

The Hollywood Elite and Alleged Exploitation

50 Cent has always positioned himself as a defender of the underdogs, and his criticisms of Oprah go beyond personal grievances. He argues that Oprah’s public advocacy for black unity in the U.S. is contradicted by her alleged behind-the-scenes actions—specifically, underpaying black actresses and denying them their fair share of profits. This perception of hypocrisy has led to the rekindling of his feud with Oprah, particularly after hearing of Henson’s grievances.

Denzel Washington has joined 50 Cent in exposing the pay disparity in Hollywood. In a recent interview, Washington discussed the persistent issue of unequal funding for black films. He highlighted his own experiences, including the modest $35 million budget for his 2012 film Flight, directed by Robert Zemeckis, and his early career struggles, where he was often forced to accept controversial roles. Washington pointed out that black actors often have to compromise their principles in exchange for fame, only to be left without support once they have played their parts.

A Call for Change

50 Cent and Washington’s critiques of Oprah reflect a broader frustration within Hollywood about the lack of equitable opportunities for black talent. Oprah, who many believe should be an ally to black actors given her own experiences and influence, is instead being accused of perpetuating the very system she claims to oppose.

The situation raises questions about the role of power and privilege in Hollywood. Should more actors speak out until change happens? Can the film industry finally address its longstanding issues of inequality and exploitation? As more voices join the conversation, it remains to be seen whether these challenges will be addressed, or if the status quo will persist.

Oprah Winfrey’s impact on Hollywood is undeniable, but her critics argue that she has a responsibility to support those from her own community. As the debate continues, it is clear that there is a growing demand for fairness and transparency in the industry.

What do you think? Should more actors take a stand? Can meaningful change happen in Hollywood? Share your thoughts in the comments, and don’t forget to hit those like and subscribe buttons!