Unveiling the Reality Behind the Satellite Photo: Mysterious Abduction by Extraterrestrials

John Mooner from Devon, England suddenly discovered Google Earth satellite images recording the mysterious “encounter” between him and gray alien creatures.

RT  quoted John Mooner from Devon, England as saying that satellite images on Google Earth clearly showed that he was “trying to fight the gray alien by punching it in the face”.

However, a website specializing in investigating alien sightings says the strange objects Mooner mentioned are actually just glass structures that reflect sunlight .

 A photo believed to be of aliens abducting people from Earth spread online .

“If we look for other old satellite photos taken in the same area, we can see these glass structures more clearly.”

Meanwhile, Mooner said he did not remember the alien abduction, but only remembered “sporadic disappearances in 2016 and in previous years”.

As a UFO “believer”, Mooner said he takes photos for World UFO Photos, has seen a number of UFOs in his hometown of Devon and even witnessed one last week.

 Comparison photos taken in the same area are provided by the website Ufointerest. (Photo: Twitter)

Mooner said he discovered the kidnapping after having problems with the Google maps application and had to use satellite maps on his computer. According to Mooner, about 3 UFOs appeared and flew towards him at that time. They emitted blue light and left a red trail of light behind.

“I think the UFO along with this gray alien came to pick me up. I was kidnapped and this satellite photo is proof,” Mooner said.