Unsolved Mystery Unveiled: US Admits Existence of Unidentified Flying Objects – UFOs”

A few days ago, the highly anticipated UFO investigation report of the Pentagon in the US was finally released. The US government rarely makes public the mysterious events they have experienced.

This report says the US government has encountered 144 unidentified flying object (UFO) phenomena, of which only one phenomenon can be explained, while the other phenomena are mysterious…

Leslie Keane and his 50-year journey to discover UFO secrets. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Of the 144 mysterious events, 18 involved observers reported “Unusual movement patterns or characteristic behavior of certain unidentified flying objects (UFOs)” . For example, it has been reported that: “Some UFOs seem to maintain a motionless state in the air, move against the wind, suddenly move in a specific manner or move at very fast speeds, But it’s unclear how they advance.”

Latest reports from the Pentagon

The report also offers a variety of possible explanations for these unknown phenomena, including mid-air turbulence, natural atmospheric phenomena, top-secret plans of the US government and other systems. rival systems… However, the report does not deny the possibility of the existence of alien UFOs. 

A US official in an interview with a CNN reporter said that Investigators believe that most of the objects in the observed events are “real objects” , meaning they are not real objects. illusion. illusion. The 80 reported events covered data from multiple sensors, the official said. In 11 cases, Investigators believe UFOs suffered near-misses with American personnel.

After the report was released, the Pentagon also issued a separate statement on this, saying that the Pentagon is “taking reports of (UFO) intrusions very seriously – any objects above unknown or unknown – and conducting an investigation .” Although this report does not have the “shocking content” that many UFO fans expected, it at least reflects the new attitude of the US government.

Over the past few decades, the US government has always maintained a negative attitude towards the UFO phenomenon. However, this stance has changed significantly in the last three years. This was largely due to the tireless efforts of two men, astronomy professor J. Allen Hynek and investigative reporter Leslie Kean.

Let’s look back at their hard work together. The story begins in 1947.

The excitement of the UFO craze in America

On June 24, 1947, a pilot named Kenneth A. Arnold was flying a plane and saw an unidentified object that looked like a “flying saucer jumping over the water” , moving 2 or 3 times faster. times the speed of sound.

This was the first widely reported UFO event.

Roswell Daily Record, July 8, 1947, announced the “capture” of a “flying saucer.” (Source: Wikipedia)

Since then, a large number of UFO incidents have been reported, including the famous UFO crash – the Roswell incident. – We did a special on this issue before. Those who are interested can learn more.

By July 1952, UFOs became regular visitors to Washington DC, and airport radars were able to clearly capture them. At midnight on July 19, a squadron of UFOs even flew over the White House air traffic control. This is quite reckless! The military hastily dispatched jets to intercept, but the opponent played hide-and-seek and disappeared in a split second. Waiting for the military plane to leave, it immediately returned to harassment.

This event made headlines in major newspapers the next day.

To ease public anxiety, on July 29, the White House held the largest press conference since World War II. At the meeting, Director of Air Force Intelligence Maj. Gen. John Samford mentioned that “There is a certain percentage of reports of first-hand [UFO] sightings that are made by credible observers.”

Gray alien body at Glenn Dennis’s UFO museum in Roswell. (Source: Wikipedia)

Although vague words, the UFO heat in America began to spread – but by 1968 it had suddenly stopped.

What’s happening? This includes the “Green Book Project” and the “Condon Report” .

“Project Green Book” and “Conton Report”

“Project Blue Book” is a database established by the US government for reports of UFO sightings. It began operations in 1952 and was suspended in 1970. The main purpose of the plan was to analyze whether UFOs posed a threat to national security. Astronomy professor Alan Haynick is the only scientific advisor involved in the project.

Project Blue Book cover page. (Source: Wikipedia)

At first, Haynick was skeptical about reports of UFO sightings. However, after reviewing hundreds of sighting reports, especially many credible eyewitnesses, such as those provided by astronomers and pilots, Haynick slowly changed his views.

But what should be disclosed to the public, Haynick still discussed with the military before speaking out. After all, the main goal of “Project Green Book” is national security, and it should not cause public crisis.

Until 1966. In March of that year, more than a hundred witnesses near Dexter, Michigan, reported seeing large spherical glowing objects at low altitudes.

To avoid public panic, the Air Force held an announcement press conference on March 25. At this time, Mr. Haynick was very cooperative in explaining that what the witnesses saw was probably the spontaneous combustion of decomposing plants in nature, that is, the “biogas” that Vietnamese people often refer to. called “ghost fire” .

However, upright people in the state of Michigan consider this a disgrace. Could it be that the eyes of more than a hundred people who actually saw things couldn’t see anything? The minority leader of the Michigan House of Representatives at the time, Gerald Ford, called for a congressional hearing because he believed that “the American public deserves a better explanation than what the Air Force provides. ” .

During a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee, Haynick proposed the creation of an independent agency to evaluate the cases in “Project Blue Book” and determine whether UFOs actually exist. .

At that time, of the large number of cases included in the Blue Book, more than 700 were beyond his ability to explain. In late 1966, physicist Edward U. Condon was chosen to lead the investigation. this examination. In 1968, an assessment report lasting more than a thousand pages was published.

This was the famous “Conton Report.”

After analyzing 91 cases in the Blue Book, the report concluded that it denied the existence of UFOs, and that further research into UFO phenomena was unnecessary.

The “Conton Report” caused scientists and officials to laugh at the UFO phenomenon, and the media followed suit and ridiculed those who believed in UFOs. The Green Book project was subsequently suspended. At this point, the “golden age” of UFOs ended.

However, Haynick was not convinced, and stood up to publicly state his stance. He founded an independent organization to continue his research, and in 1972 he published the book The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry, in which he harshly criticized the “Condon Report” . In the years that followed, he traveled east and west giving lectures, trying to correct the government’s mistakes regarding UFOs. But until his death in 1986, he was still unable to change the direction of public opinion.

In 1999, investigative reporter Leslie Kean picked up his baton and continued to push for the truth about UFOs.

Independent UFO investigator Leslie Keane

Keane was born into a political family in New York. His grandfather held a long term in Congress, but Keane himself was always fascinated by mysterious events so he chose a career as an investigative reporter.

In 1999, a friend introduced her to a UFO analysis report written by more than a dozen experts, French scholars and retired generals. After fully analyzing the evidence, the report concluded that the “alien hypothesis” was the most plausible explanation. The report caught Keane’s attention immediately. So she decided to conduct an in-depth investigation to solve the mystery.

Keane chose the 1965 Kecksburg, Pennsylvania incident as his breakthrough. The special thing about this case is that there is not only human evidence, but also physical evidence. Thousands of people in the US and Canada saw a large fireball fly across the sky at that time. Where the ball fell to the ground in Kecksburg, fire splashed; Many witnesses said that the rubble was taken out of the forest by a truck, at which time there were many soldiers holding weapons on guard.

The model, depicting the suspected crashed object, was originally created for the show Unsolved Mysteries, and is on display near the Kecksburg fire station. (Source: Wikipedia)

Under the Freedom of Information Act, Keane applied for access to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) archives, which includes some information about UFO debris recovered from the site. school. NASA basically ignores it. Keane then filed a lawsuit against NASA. The case was resolved after four years of delay, but NASA ended up only releasing hundreds of unrelated documents.

Keane worked hard for four years. But she was not discouraged. With the support and assistance of former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, Keane examined hundreds of government documents, aviation reports, radar data and other corroborating evidence.

At the same time, she also interviewed dozens of senior officials and testified in the aviation industry from around the world, finally synthesizing the results of the investigation and publishing the book “ UFOs: Unidentified Flying Objects: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record (UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record) confirmed the existence of UFOs in 2011.

The same year, Podesta also invited Keane to give a secret lecture at the Center for American Progress, the consulting agency he founded. The audience is all key national security personnel, such as NASA and Pentagon officials. Podesta said they “want to know the answers to these unexplained phenomena” .

After many years of waiting, in 2017, a truly turning point occurred. On October 4, former Pentagon official Luis Elizondo showed Keane several documents proving that the government had not closed UFO investigations since Project Blue Book ended in 1970. Mr. is also willing to provide some actual data and videos that the US government has never made public, on the condition that Keane uses these data to publish a report in the “New York Times” .

After much work by Keane, on December 16, 2017, the report was published online in The New York Times. The title is “Glowing Auras and “ Blackmoney “: the Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program .

This report has factual content, citing two videos, including a UFO tracking video using “Front View Infrared Radar 1” (flir1) recorded by the US military in 2004, and also quotes Former US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, supporter of UFO investigation: “I think it was one of the good things I did while serving in Congress” . The good news is that the $22 million government grant that Reid and two other senators won for UFO research in 2008 was the “Blackmoney” mentioned in Keane’s report. This money was later donated to Robert Bigelow, an independent UFO investigator.

Government officials changed their expressions

The “New York Times” article caused a stir after it was published. Surprisingly, the US government did not crack down on Keane and accused her of leaking state secrets, but instead, the US government began lifting the ban on the subject of UFOs.

That month, the Pentagon confirmed that, from 2007 to 2012, there was indeed a special plan to secretly investigate UFO sighting reports, known by the acronym AATIP. After that, the UAP department was quickly promoted, and was in charge of a commander equivalent to a two-star general.

That said, I really want to thank Professor Hynek and reporter Keane; It is only through their arduous and continuous efforts over the past 50 years that we have been able to bring the public closer to the truth. Perhaps in the not too distant future, all that is true will be revealed before our eyes.