Unidentified Object: Mysterious Item Falls from Space into the Desert

NASA has just announced the scene of an object believed to have fallen from space into the desert in the US.

 The object was recorded by NASA after falling into the desert
Information on VTC News, according to NASA’s description, this object fell from space and landed in the Utah desert, USA 14 years ago. Its every move was tracked by radar, so it was quickly tracked by a helicopter when it landed in the desert.

However, this object is not an alien flying saucer as many people initially speculated. This is essentially a Genesis module launched into space by NASA in 2001.

Genesis was launched into space by NASA with the mission of bringing samples from space to Earth for analysis. However, after more than 29 months of collecting solar particles, the ship suddenly stopped working and fell back to Earth. The reason was because the mine on the ship did not explode, causing the parachute inside to not open.

“The incident occurred in 2004 near Granite Peak in Utah and was not related to aliens. There were no structures or people near the landing area,” NASA said.

Also according to NASA, Genesis’ “landing” in the desert was unexpected, but did not affect scientific research.
“The recovered spacecraft samples remain in good condition for analysis,” NASA said. A strange, blue asteroid that acts like a comet and is very close to Earth. Scientists discovered that the asteroid is even stranger than imagined.
Regarding the conquest of the Sun, recently on August 12, the fastest spacecraft in human history, Parker, of the US Space Agency (NASA) was successfully launched, officially launching the mission to “touch the Sun”. into the Sun”, this will be the “hottest” space exploration ever.

Reproduce, at 3:31 am on the 12th (about 2:31 pm on the 12th Hanoi time), the “Delta 4” missile was launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Base in Florida, USA, carrying the Parker probe. of NASA worth 1.5 billion USD weighing about 635kg to fly into space.

The US space agency NASA said “Parker” will fly around the Sun 24 times in 7 years and take advantage of the gravity from Venus to adjust its orbit to approach the Sun at a distance of 6.16 million km.

Previously, the closest space exploration to the Sun was carried out in 1976 by the probe jointly built by the US and Germany “Sun God 2” with a distance of 43 million km. According to the plan, this NASA probe will arrive at its closest point in November this year and will begin collecting data from December.