“Unearthly Enigma: Discovery of Mysterious 482km High Structure on Jupiter’s Moon Titan Sparks Questions About Alien Presence”

Titan or Saturn VI is the largest moon of Saturn, the only moon with a dense atmosphere, and the only body other than Earth where clear evidence of water has been discovered. Here, a mysterious structure 482km high was discovered.

Photo: NASA

The atmosphere can be said to be indispensable for the reason why Earth can produce life. Only in this way can the temperature be maintained in a relatively balanced state, and there will not be a problem of sudden temperature drops in areas without sunlight, more importantly, protecting living organisms on earth from harmful rays and radiation in space.

That’s because the atmosphere for a planet is very important, it can even be said to be one of the necessary conditions for life to proliferate on this planet. Therefore, in the solar system, Titan – another celestial body with a dense atmosphere other than Earth’s, is also the second largest satellite in the solar system that is closely monitored by scientists.

Titan satellite image. – Photo: soundofhope.org

After exploring Pioneer 11 and Voyager 1-2, they were all assigned to learn about the situation of the moon Titan. Why do scientists use so many resources to learn more about Titan? What mysterious power on this planet is attracting scientists to make more discoveries about it?

There is a commonly accepted saying in academic circles that there may indeed be exotic life on Titan.

To prove that this hypothesis is correct, from the 1960s until now, a series of leading international scientists have been investigated, and they have tirelessly sent many probes to try to enter the thick atmosphere. properties of the planet and unravel its mysteries.

Until 2021, for the first time in history, humans successfully crossed the dense atmosphere of Titan 1.5 billion km from Earth and successfully landed. Although this is an extraterrestrial body, many of its sights resemble those of Earth.

For example, a large ocean area has been discovered on this planet. Although the composition of the ocean is different from that of Earth, scientists have discovered that on Titan there are organic molecules Extremely complex mechanism.

In addition, all kinds of information indicate that this satellite is filled with liquid methane and hydrocarbons. Furthermore, Titan’s surface temperature remains around -179°C all year round, such low temperature conditions are difficult for humans on Earth to survive. But scientists believe such harsh environments could be a haven for strange life.

Their life forms are very different from our carbon-based organisms, and humans cannot represent the only form of civilization in the universe. As early as 1655, physicist Huygens discovered that Titan was a mysterious satellite.

Why wasn’t this satellite noticed before? 

That’s because Titan has been covered in a thick layer of atmosphere for so long, it’s like a planet wrapped in a big ring of cotton candy. And more than 98% of the gases in its atmosphere are nitrogen.

So at that time, scientists thought that there was a star appearing not far from Earth. Does its surface contain resources that can be used by humans? This question always attracts scientists to explore it.

Around 1991, humans launched probes one after another, all of which flew by Saturn at close range and took pictures of Titan. Since then, the academic community has gradually mastered various data about Titan and discovered that the surface temperature and atmospheric composition of this natural satellite are very different from many other natural satellites in the world. solar system.

This leads people to suspect that there may be aliens on Titan with a very different lifestyle than on Earth. In 1997, the Huygens probe flew to Saturn. It was carried by an interstellar spacecraft and quickly orbited Saturn, then entered Saturn’s orbit and became an artificial satellite orbiting Saturn. In July 2004, Huygens began collecting more data as he approached Titan.

Huygens (Photo by David Monniaux Wikimedia Commons)

It was not until December 24 that Huygens successfully separated from the mother ship in Saturn orbit and maintained a speed of 1,400 km/h near Titan’s surface. When Huygens discovered the surface of Titan, it turned out to be a strange picture. There are many traces here similar to those left by human destruction, mechanical friction and large amounts of water erosion.

Illustration of a lake on Titan. – Image source: soundofhope.org

From the photos taken by Huygens, it can be seen that Titan’s surface was once crisscrossed with rivers and undulating mountains. But unfortunately there are no trees or canyons here so it seems deserted. But these traces can still prove that this planet once had a beautiful landscape full of life and hundreds of rivers of millions of years ago. Because according to data, the rain, wind and certain terrain structures on this natural satellite are very similar to those on Earth.

The strange structure was photographed as high as 482 km

Researchers have discovered that in the latest photo of Titan, an unidentified structure with a height of 482km appeared at the north pole. After zooming in on the image, you can see that this giant structure is connected to the ground. Researchers believe that this structure is likely related to alien civilizations.

Mysterious structure 482 km high appears at Titan’s north pole. – Photo: soundofhope.org

Some have even suggested that this may have been recorded in the Sumerian civilization. The Anunaki, who created the first generation of Sumerians, built it in the solar system. According to records, the reason why the Anunaki created the first generation of Sumerians was so that the Sumerians would help them explore the Earth’s resources, so the Anunaki found that Titan had topographical characteristics similar to the Earth, excavations were carried out. underway on Titan, and this giant structure of unknown purpose may have been left behind.

Of course, the above is just speculation, NASA has announced that it will launch a probe called Dragonfly to Titan in 2026 to search for possible alien life. It is hoped that Dragonfly will find something after it lands on Titan.

Let’s wait for scientists to find more information about Titan, whether it’s solving its own puzzles or the mystery of whether life exists or not, Titan’s existence promises to bring Many more surprises!