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LeBron James

After nearly two decades in the NBA, it appears that LeBron James has completely lost his patience with the media.

The usually classy and respectful superstar has made it a point to take an aggressive stance against today’s media culture. It all started after the Kyrie Irving fiasco, which involved reporters across the league hounding the former NBA champion with all sorts of questions about his beliefs and morals.

When James saw the way the media was treating his former teammate and compared it to the Jerry Jones incident (the emergence of a picture of Jones from over 50 years ago), it raised several issues with him.

“I got one question for you guys before you guys leave,” James said at the end of a press conference last week. “I was thinking when I was on my way over here, I was wondering why I haven’t gotten a question from you guys about the Jerry Jones photo,” James said. “But when the Kyrie [Irving] thing was going on, you guys were quick to ask us questions about that… But it seemed like to me that the whole Jerry Jones situation, photo — and I know it was years and years ago and we all make mistakes, I get it — but it seems like it’s just been buried under, like, ‘Oh, it happened. OK, we just moved on.’ And I was just kind of disappointed that I haven’t received that question from you guys.”

The statement got a lot of attention at the time, especially because James didn’t leave the floor open for a response from the media. But James didn’t stop there.

LeBron James claims he's “definitely woke," demands media accountability  over Cowboys owner Jerry Jones' 1957 Little Rock desegregation photo

LeBron James Put NBA Media On Blast Again
During yesterday’s alternative Thursday Night Football broadcast on ‘The Shop,’ James continued the conversation and further laid into the media for their double standards.

“The media is so quick to hold us athletes, especially us Black athletes, always holding us accountable,” James said. “We can’t make mistakes, we can’t do this, they want to bring up anything. And I wanted to hold the media accountable. The fact that they didn’t ask any one of us,” James continued. “I didn’t hear a question to any athlete, especially in the basketball world about the situation. I’m just holding them accountable, letting them know how I see it. I am definitely woken up, that’s for sure.”

Jerry Jones on LeBron James Comments: 'I Did Hear What He Had to Say'

It’s an interesting position for James to take, but not all that surprising. Despite being a supporter of social justice, civil rights, and racial equality, James is also someone who calls it as he sees it, and he wasn’t about to let the reporters get away with their double standards.
Clearly, James in a mission to spread a culture of accountability in the media world and stop the assault on the character of individuals who may have some different things to say.

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