Spectacle in the Skies: Witnesses Recall Giant UFO Crashing into the Harbor

People on planes and ships saw unidentified objects (UFOs) in the air with their own eyes, and then a large number of people saw glowing objects flying towards the harbor and crashing into the sea.

Many people saw UFOs floating in the water and reported them to the RCMP in Barrington Strait. (Illustration via Adobe Stock)

The government, private sector and the diving unit of the Atlantic Fleet sent people to search the seabed, but they could not find any traces. The giant UFO just disappeared into the vast sea.

UFO incident at Shag Harbor
On October 4, 1967, a large unidentified object appeared in the waters near Shag Harbor, Nova Scotia, Canada. Robert Ralph, Air Canada Flight 305 co-pilot at the time, told Captain Pierre Charbonneau that there was something strange on the plane. Then at 7:15 pm, a bright rectangular object appeared a few miles away, along with a string of what looked like lights, following them in parallel paths. A few minutes later, the pilot saw a large explosion near a giant UFO, which continued to explode 2 minutes later, forming a blue cloud around the object.

The captain of one of the ships at the time, Leo Howard Mersey, was in the control room observing four stationary blips on radar. Captain Leo noticed that from the window looking up 28km, four bright objects could be seen arranged in a rectangular shape. There were nearly 20 crew members on deck at that time, and they all saw objects in the northeast sky. Captain Leo contacted the rescue coordination center and the harbor chief for an explanation.

In addition to people on planes and ships, many people also saw giant UFOs flying through the air. At that time, a media newsroom received many calls from people claiming to see strange glowing objects flying around Halifax (Nova Scotia’s capital) around 10 pm

Around 11:20 pm, with a continuous bullet-like explosion and finally a loud noise, it appeared that a giant unidentified object had fallen into the waters of Shag Harbor. At that time, at least 11 people saw the glowing object flying toward the harbor at a low altitude, and several people saw the glowing object as they passed Highway 3, after which they moved arrived at a location with good visibility and saw an unidentified object floating in the water and reported it to the RCMP in Barrington Strait.

Large UFO disappears under the sea
Initially believed to be a plane crash, 2 RCMP officers arrived at the scene within 15 minutes and contacted the rescue coordination center to report the incident, asking if there was a camera available. whether any plane is missing or not. At this time, the glowing UFO began to sink and then disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Within half an hour after the accident, Canadian Coast Guard search and rescue speedboats and local fishermen’s fishing searched the scene for survivors, but found no clues. .

Two days later, a team of divers from the Atlantic Fleet’s diving unit conducted a three-day seabed search but ultimately found nothing. This adds to the mystery of the accident.

Many investigations found nothing.
The object that crashed in Shag Harbor was considered a UFO by the Canadian government because it had not been identified. Multiple government agencies have investigated the incident and conducted underwater searches, hoping to find any debris, and the US military is also said to be involved in the salvage operation, but so far the General is still unknown.

“We receive hundreds of reports every week, but the ‘Shag Harbor incident’ is one of the few reports with specific information available,” said Air Force Bain Squadron Commander in Ottawa, Canada. Through this, it can be seen that the “UFO incident at Shag Harbor” has a huge scale and many witnesses. Although there are many witnesses and organizations involved, it can be confirmed that this happened. But because the mysterious UFO disappeared in the vast ocean without leaving a trace, it could only become a “documented” UFO sighting.