Shakira: Important turning points in her music career

By diving into the trendiest musical genres, the Colombian artist has caused a divide among her fans.

Shakira has successfully revived her music career after a period of uncertainty, and she has managed to do so quickly. Despite her rapid comeback, there has been some controversy and disappointment about the methods she used to re-establish herself in the industry.

Ana Soriano, a 42-year-old die-hard fan of Shakira, believes that the singer has veered away from her original essence. “That pop-rock artist who used to write deeply profound lyrics is nowhere to be found,” she sadly states. However, Sebas Álvarez, a 37-year-old Shakira enthusiast, has a different perspective on the matter. According to him, Shakira is an artist who effortlessly adjusts to the changing times.

These two trends are passionately championed by experts like Pablito Wilson, an Argentine known for his expertise in contemporary Latin music and his book Reggaetón: Una revolución latina. Wilson, who currently resides in Colombia, the birthplace of Shakira, discusses these topics with EL PAÍS over the phone. He stresses the importance of recognizing Shakira’s accomplishments, stating that she may currently be the most exceptional artist in the world. Achieving success at over 40 years old, he believes her career is unprecedented.

In my opinion, Shakira’s musical progression makes a lot of sense. When you listen to tracks like Monotonía (2022), it’s clear that she has put in the effort to comprehend the language and trends of today’s social media users, particularly millennials and centennials. She seems to have found a balance between staying true to her artistic vision and creating music that resonates with a wider audience commercially.