Revolutionary Discovery: Dreams and Principles as High-Level Forms of Communication

Along with breakthroughs in quantum physics and the extraordinary experiences of scientists themselves, the mysteries of human life, things like premonitions and dreams are given clear answers by science. clear.
The existence of other dimensions.

Based on his “quantum theory of gravity”, famous British physicist Stephan Hawking believes that we live in an 11-dimensional space, not just three dimensions of space and one dimension of time.
Agreeing with Hawking’s new theory, a German science magazine called P.M. wrote: “When you read these lines, at the same time, hundreds of people in you are reading it, people who are always accompanying you. With you, everyone is shrugging their shoulders like you, shaking their heads, doubting…”

Professor Stephan Hawking explains: “In this model of the universe, countless different people exist in one person at the same time, and at the same time, all information about the universe at all times is present. Therefore, the phenomenon of ‘premonition’ can be explained by the fact that someone inside you has experienced what you will experience, and told you in advance.”

The bodies of people in different spaces and times all exist at the same time. There are spaces where events have happened, and there are spaces where events have not yet happened. The very common phenomenon that people call “premonitions” is actually the transmission of information from another dimension to people in the existing space.

Modern science proves the existence of souls in other dimensions

The existence of the human soul in another dimension has been confirmed by many leading physicists in their research works, and it becomes even more real when many scientists have direct contact with it. Okay.

Physics professor Stuart Hameroff along with physics professor Roger Penrose from Oxford University, after many years of research, concluded that the human soul truly exists. The human soul is stored by brain cells in internal structures called microscopic tubes (microtubules).

Scientists further explained: “In other words, after people die, their soul does not die, it returns to the universe.”
Dreams and premonitions are advanced forms of communication for humans

According to the theory of Dr. Stephen Hawking, the phenomenon of ‘premonition’ is explained that each of us has bodies that exist in other dimensions. In a faster space, things have already happened, and the body there tells people about it in advance.

That means that the thing we call premonition truly exists in another dimension, it is transmitted to humans existing by the body in that dimension.

There is a similar phenomenon, which we often call dream premonition, which also becomes very clear when explained by Dr. Hawking’s theory. It is very similar to a “premonition”, except that the event is known to people in advance through dreams.
In ancient documents, both Eastern and Western, there are many stories of people being informed of events before they happened, through dreams.