“Revealing Alaska’s Extraterrestrial Enigma: Unearthing an Astonishing UFO Discovery and Alien Base”

Commenting on the abilities of a gifted UFO telepath, Pat Price, Schabel notes that he believed, “…Mount Hayes in Alaska, jewel of a glacial range northeast of Anchorage, was home to one of the largest bases of extraterrestrials.”

According to Pat Price, the aliens residing in the depths of Mount Hayes appeared very human, distinguishable only by their hearts, lungs, blood, and eyes. Ominously, he adds that aliens use “thought transference for motor control of us.” Price further notes, “The site has also been responsible for strange activity and malfunctions of American and Soviet space objects.”

Remarkably enough, despite the controversial nature of this story, we find that the US military took great interest in accounts of UFO activity in Alaska in the formative years of the subject. For example, formerly classified FBI files recount amazing UFO encounters in Alaska in the period 1947-1950.

It was in August 1947 that a very impressive account of a UFO incident involving two serving members of the military was provided to the FBI in Anchorage. The report begins: “This is to inform you that two Army officers have reported to the Office of the Director of Intelligence, Department of Alaska Headquarters, Fort Richardson, Alaska, that they witnessed an object passing through the air at an enormous speed which could not be judged in terms of miles per hour. »

According to the official report, the UFO was first sighted only by one of the two officers, but he quickly alerted his colleague to the strange sight. “The object appeared to be in the shape of a sphere and did not give the impression of being a saucer or of being comparable to a disc. The first officer said it would be impossible to give minute details about the object, but it appeared to be about two or three feet in diameter and left no contrails in the sky. »

The experienced officer that he was, he attempted for the first time to estimate the altitude of the object and, from a comparison with the cloud formations in the area, he determined that whatever the nature of the mysterious sphere, it moved at a height of more than ten thousand feet. And it should be noted that to be at such a height and still be visible, the UFO would, in all probability, have had to greatly exceed the initial estimated size of “0.5 to 1 meter”.

When questioned, the second officer gave a substantially similar account, the only marked difference being that, according to him, the object must have been about ten feet in diameter, and that he compared it to “half the size of a full moon on an ordinary night. This difference in size was apparently due to the fact that the second officer thought the UFO was more likely to be at a height of three to four thousand feet, rather than at an altitude of 3,000 meters as his coworker.

The difference in opinion about the altitude and size of the object may or may not have been significant; the important factor, however, is that both officers agreed that some type of anomalous object had most definitely been seen. And as the report concludes: “…the second officer remarked that one of the outstanding features of this report was that it was definitely moving upwind.”

Shortly thereafter, the FBI office in Anchorage reported to Bureau Director J. Edgar Hoover that: “…we were able to locate a pilot [who] observed a flying object near Bethel, Alaska in July 1947” .

The report to Hoover continues: “[The pilot] related that the occasion of seeing the flying object near Bethel was on a day in July when the sky was completely clear of all cloud, and as it was early in the day, it was light all night. The time he saw the flying object was around 10 p.m. and the sun had just passed the horizon. The flying conditions were extremely good and he arrived at Bethel airport with a DC-3”.

Approaching the airport, the pilot was stunned to see on his left an unidentified craft “the size of a C-54 without a fuselage”, which appeared to resemble a “flying wing”.

Due to its unique shape, the pilot was unable to determine whether the object was heading towards his aircraft or away from it, and decided to make a 45 degree turn in an attempt to avoid any hazard of collision. The FBI noted that the pilot was certain the craft had no external power source, such as a propeller motor, and that it exhibited no exhaust fumes as it passed by.

The document adds: “He radioed the Civil Aeronautics Administration station in Bethel, asking what plane was in the vicinity, and they got no reports of any planes. The object he saw was five or ten miles from the airport before he arrived and [he] said the trajectory did not pass directly through the airport. He obviously couldn’t tell if the object was making noise and said it was flying at an altitude of one thousand feet and moving at about 300 miles per hour.

“It was moving in the direction from Bethel to Nome, that is to say in the direction of the northwest. He noted no radio interference and is unable to describe the color of the object except that it appeared dark but definite in shape and did not blend into the sky but had an outline defined and concise. [He clearly observed the object at this time”.

As the 1940s draw to a close and a new decade dawns, the FBI continues to receive and file high quality UFO reports on a regular basis. Of these, one of the most credible concerned a series of remarkable encounters that occurred in Alaskan airspace over the course of two days in early 1950.

Transmitted to the FBI by an official US Navy source, this three-page confidential intelligence report paints a stark picture of multiple UFO encounters involving the military. Titled “Unidentified Phenomena in Vicinity of Kodiak, Alaska”, it concerns “a report of sightings of unidentified aerial objects, by various naval personnel, January 22-23, 1950”.

The author of the report noted: “…at 220240W January, Lt. Smith, USN, commanding officer of No. 4 P2V3 patrol aircraft, 1st Patrol Squadron, reported an unidentified radar contact 32 km north of the Naval Air Station Kodiak, Alaska. When this contact was made, Lt. Smith was piloting Kodiak’s security patrol.

“At 2:43 a.m., 8 minutes later, radar contact was made to an object 10 miles southeast of NAS Kodiak. Lt. Smith checked with the control tower for known traffic in the area, and was informed that there was none. During this period the radar operator, Gaskey, ALC, USN, reported intermittent radar interference of a type never experienced before. Contact was lost at this time, but the intermittent interference continued.

Smith and Gaskey aren’t the only ones to report the intrusion of unidentified vehicles into Alaskan airspace. At the time of these encounters, the USS Tilbrook was anchored near “buoy 19” in the nearby shipping channel. Aboard the Tilbrook was a sailor named Morgan (first name unknown) keeping watch.

At some point between 0200 and 0300 hours, Morgan reported that a “very fast moving red light, which appeared to be exhausting in nature, appeared to be coming from the southeast, moving clockwise in a great circle toward and around Kodiak and returning in a generally southeasterly direction.

Perhaps not quite believing what he was seeing, Morgan alerted one of his shipmates, Carver, to the strange sight, and the two watched as the UFO made a “return flight.” According to the testimony of Morgan and Carver: “The object remained in view for about 30 seconds. No smell or sound was detected, and the object was described as having the appearance of a fireball approximately 30 cm in diameter. »

The report goes on to state another encounter with the mysterious visitor: “At 220440W, while conducting a routine security patrol in Kodiak, Lt. Smith reported sighting an unidentified aerial object at a distance of 8 km, starboard bow. This object showed indications of high speed on the radar screen. The back edge of the object gave the impression of being a tail”.

Lt. Smith quickly informed the rest of the crew of PV23 No. 24 that the UFO was in sight, and all watched in fascination as the strange vehicle passed overhead at an estimated speed of about 2 900 km/h. Smith climbed to intercept the UFO and unsuccessfully attempted to surround it.

Needless to say, the UFO’s high speed and remarkable maneuverability rendered Smith’s actions futile. However, neither Lt. Smith

“Subsequently, the object appeared to open the range,” the official report states, “and Smith attempted to close the range. We saw the UFO open up a little, then turn to the left and arrive on Smith’s quarter. Smith considered this gesture very threatening and turned off all the lights on the plane. Four minutes later, the object disappeared from view in a southeasterly direction.

The following day, at 4:35 a.m., Lieutenants Barco and Causer of the First Patrol Squadron were conducting the Kodiak security patrol when they, too, sighted an unidentified aerial vehicle. At the time of their encounter, the plane the officers were in was about 100 km south of Kodiak. For ten minutes, Barco and Causer, along with the pilot, Captain Paulson, watched in amazement as the mysterious object twisted and spun in the Alaskan sky. An assessment of these reports reads as follows:

“1) To Lt. Smith and the crew, it appeared as two orange lights spinning around a common center, “like two jet planes rolling slowly in close formation.” It had a wide speed range. »

2. To Morgan and Carver, it appeared as a reddish-orange ball of fire about a foot in diameter, moving at high speed. »

3. For Causer, Barco and Paulson, it appeared as a pulsating flame in the form of an orange-yellow projectile, with regular periods of pulsation of 3 to 5 seconds. Later, as the object increased the range, the pulsations seemed to increase to 7 or 8 seconds and 7 or 8 seconds off”.

The final comment on the encounters reads: “Considering that no weather balloon was known to have been released within a reasonable time prior to the sightings, it appears that the object or objects were not Balloons. If they are not balloons, the objects must be considered phenomena (perhaps meteorites), the exact nature of which could not be determined by this office. »

The “meteorite” theory for this series of encounters is particularly puzzling. It goes without saying that the meteorites do not remain in view for “an estimated duration of 30 seconds”, that they do not approach military aircraft in what is considered a “highly threatening gesture” and that they do not not appear as “two orange lights rotating around a common center”.

In other words, it seems possible to conclude that truly anomalous phenomena were observed by experienced military personnel at Kodiak, Alaska in January 1950.

Does this prove that there really is an alien base in the heart of Mount Hayes in Alaska, as suggested by Pat Price? No of course not. But, given all of the above, maybe it’s time someone took a closer look at Price’s claims. You know: just in case…