Rendlesham: The Mysterious Meeting Place of Aliens

“It illuminates the entire forest with a blinding white light. The object’s upper body had a red light attached, and a blue halo below. It floats or it could have legs.”
What happened at Renlesham Forest in December 1980 is still considered one of the most mysterious stories about human encounters with “Unidentified Flying Objects” (UFOs). The thrill and controversy of the story known as “England’s Rosswell” continues to attract public opinion.

Mysterious lights

Everything happened at about 3:00 am on December 26, 1980, according to Lieutenant Charles Halt’s memory in the notes he presented to the British Ministry of Defense. Two officers on patrol duty at the east gate of the British Royal Air Force Base (RAF) in Woodbridge saw strange lights in the woods.

Rendlesham Forest and the veil of mystery.

Concerned about security issues, they quickly asked for instructions from their superiors to conduct a patrol to see if it was a plane trying to land in the forest. Their superiors approved the request and three soldiers were sent on a mission, where they witnessed “a strange glowing object in the forest.”

Colonel Charles Halt, the second-highest ranking officer at the Bentwaters base, was the leader of the investigation team. Halt recorded what he learned. The recording, known as the “Halt Tape” was released by base Commander Sam Morgan in 1984. Soldiers at the base said they saw a bizarre object that they could not confirm what was. After several people chased the triangular object into the forest, it suddenly disappeared at an astonishing speed, and completely silent.

Colonel Halt’s notes.

They, according to Halt’s account in the notes submitted to the Ministry of Defense and in the audio recording, saw an aircraft-like object with a triangular shape, 3 legs, about 3 meters wide and about 2 meters high. “It illuminates the entire forest with a blinding white light,” Halt wrote. The object’s upper body had a red light attached, and a blue halo below. It floats or it may also have legs. When the soldiers approached the object, it quickly passed through the bushes and disappeared. At the same time, animals at a nearby camp became panicked.”

This object also appears at the back gate of the base about an hour later before disappearing again.

The next day, officials returned to the area and noticed three very strange marks on the ground, where the unidentified object appeared earlier. Local police were also invited to the scene to investigate the incident.
Officials admitted there were strange marks on the ground but said they could be from animals. After measuring traces half a meter long and more than 2 meters in diameter, officers took soil samples to send to the laboratory to measure radiation levels. On December 28, 1989, they discovered that beta/gamma concentrated above 0.1 milliroentgen “reached record levels in three traces and near the center of the triangle formed by these three traces.”

Colonel Halt said he saw many strange lights above the forest. A few weeks later, similar lights were seen again. When Halt and several British policemen approached the light sources, they saw an object shaped like a human eye. Halt said that the light moved before something radiated from the main body of the object into five directions and then disappeared.

Immediately after disappearing, 3 star-shaped objects appeared in the night sky. The objects, two in the north and one in the south, moved at high speeds while emitting red, green and blue lights. The two objects in the North moved in an ellipse before going in a circle, while the object in the South stood still for about 2-3 hours, shining a beam of light onto the ground, before leaving.

“I don’t know what it is, but it’s definitely controlled by an intelligent being,” Halt said. According to my hypothesis, it came from an extraterrestrial place.” However, Halt’s investigation team did not draw an official conclusion about the strange light that evening despite mentioning many theories about it.

This shocking incident threatens to cause an explosion in public opinion, causing the soldiers who witnessed it to receive orders to remain silent. Some sources even said that British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at that time personally asked the officers “Not to tell the people”.

Halt, two former US Air Force officers and a former British officer participated in a talk with 200 people at the US National Nuclear Testing Museum in 2012. During the talk, Halt said that the government was hiding information about UFOs. Huffington Post quoted him as saying: “I believe that the US government has a secret agency and this agency has tried to cover up information about UFOs.”


The British Ministry of Defense declassified many documents about UFOs, but did not find any documents about the mysterious event near Bentwaters Air Force Base in 1980.

Bill Coleman, a former pilot who held the rank of colonel in the US army, also participated in the talk with Halt. He said that he encountered a strange round flying object at an altitude of about 6,000 meters while flying a bomber in 1955. The object moved downward and Coleman tried to chase it. He said: “When the plane reached its maximum speed and flew quite close to the treetops, I saw the object clearly for a short period of time. The object then appeared above a field at quite a high speed and then disappeared.”

Drawing by Jim Penniston, security officer at RAF Bentwaters, of what he saw in 1980.

According to Coleman, if alien creatures existed, they would not want to land on Earth for many reasons, especially common diseases on Earth that could completely kill them. “If they have the ability to build vehicles capable of traveling at the speed of light, they are smart enough to understand that our diseases will destroy them,” said Coleman
. Exon initiates an investigation into these mysteries. The results of the investigation have never been published, and the politician only briefly emphasized that the “information” related to Rendlesham was one of “Unexplained UFO encounter”.

Meanwhile, a researcher named Ian Ridpath also pointed out unreasonable points in the information provided by Halt. According to Mr. Ridpath, Halt’s accounts still have many contradictions or do not take into account other factors. In particular, Ridpath mentions the lighthouse at Orford Ness, an object that he believes can produce flashes of light that lead to misunderstandings.

According to what Halt said, the lighthouse was located 40 degrees to the right from the location of the mysterious light he saw. However, photos and maps show that this lighthouse is located almost in the exact direction that Halt witnessed the UFO.

One of the weak points of Halt’s comments is that he did not mention the laser-like light below his feet in the original recording or transcript, but instead mentioned this. several times in interviews since 1980. Finally, Halt’s claim that “several pilots” were present at the time and saw this light is not entirely certain.

Pilot Tim Egercic, one of the witnesses, and Halt’s superior, Colonel Ted Conrad, all denied seeing this light. Conrad even expressed dissatisfaction when Halt said in his report to the Ministry of Defense that he suspected there were truths hidden by both Britain and the United States. “He should be embarrassed by the allegations that his country and the British government colluded to mislead the people on this issue,” Conrad said.
In the end, people still have not found a satisfactory answer. Although some people believe that Halt was telling the truth, it is clear that there are still many kinks that need to be reviewed.

According to the Daily Mail (UK), some members of the British Special Air Force Unit (SAS) parachuted into the RAF military complex at Woodbridge in August 1980. They were arrested soon after and questioned. British records declassification expert Dr. David Clarke said that after their release, the paratroopers did not say anything about being tortured but decided to retaliate for being beaten…

In particular, constantly being called aliens makes them come up with a plan. They say they call us aliens. Fine, we’ll show them what aliens are like.” According to this hypothesis, the group of used balloons, flares soldiers and specialized lights to deceive American and British soldiers. Of course, no one has any specific evidence to confirm the hypothesis of what happened at Rendlesham at that time.

Where is the truth?

In 2017, it was reported that after more than 50 years of secret storage by the British government, for the first time in history, a file containing events related to UFO appearances across the UK was released by the Archives. National (NA) announced by this country.

The file contains secret information about encounters believed to be related to extraterrestrial beings, including the “UFO Encounter in Rendlesham Forest” in 1980. However, 3 years later. of the files the government released were withheld. This makes many people believe that the published files are only “safe” information, while the remaining 3 files hide evidence/stories about aliens who have visited England.

East gate of RAF Woodbridge base, where UFOs are said to have appeared.

Doubting about the authenticity of information related to the incident that took place in Rendlesham Forest more than five decades ago, five members of an independent investigation team called Ghostech Paranormal Investigations returned to the scene in 2017. They discovered many bright lights in the dark forest from far away, and was even more surprised when approaching the area because at that time “there was not a single bird, squirrel, owl, or any other wild animal.” chief”.

However, the images obtained were not clear, so the group continued to return the next night. Ghostech Paranormal Investigations says they have recorded images of UFOs moving above the treetops.

At that moment, a member of the group spotted an Apache helicopter hovering directly overhead. They believe that authorities are also monitoring strange lights in the forest. Immediately after that, this research team decided to leave the forest for fear of having their evidence confiscated. Yesterday morning, they returned and came across some strange triangles on the ground.

At the end of 2017, Ghostech Paranormal Investigations posted online the entire video of the UFO hunt at Rendlesham recorded with an infrared camera. Public opinion continues to debate the possibility of these tapes being staged while the authorities are completely silent.