The REAL Reason Matthew Perry Has BEEF With Keanu Reeves..

Matthew Perry, renowned for his portrayal of Chandler Bing on the iconic TV show “Friends,” stirred up quite a bit of controversy with the release of his 2022 memoir, Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing. While the book primarily focuses on Perry’s struggles with addiction, it also surprisingly hints at a feud with fellow Hollywood star Keanu Reeves. This revelation shocked many fans, leading to speculation about what could have caused such animosity.

The story begins with Perry mentioning Reeves in a seemingly negative light while reflecting on the tragic deaths of his close friends, River Phoenix and Chris Farley. Both Phoenix and Farley, like Perry, battled with addiction, and their untimely deaths had a profound impact on him. In the memoir, Perry expresses his sorrow and frustration, lamenting that talented individuals like Phoenix and Farley had passed away while Reeves, who Perry described as still “walking among us,” remained alive. This remark raised eyebrows, as Reeves is widely regarded as one of the most affable and drama-free figures in Hollywood.

Fans and critics alike were puzzled by Perry’s comments, especially since there seemed to be no previous indication of any bad blood between the two actors. Reeves, known for his kindness and generosity, has a reputation that contrasts sharply with the image Perry’s words seemed to project. The comment felt out of place and led many to wonder if there was more to the story.

When the excerpt from Perry’s memoir began circulating, it quickly sparked outrage on social media. Many people couldn’t understand why Perry would single out Reeves, a beloved figure, in such a seemingly random and harsh manner. The backlash was swift, with some accusing Perry of using Reeves’ name to generate publicity for his book, while others speculated that there might be some deep-seated resentment or unresolved issues that had prompted the comment.

In response to the uproar, Perry issued a statement attempting to clarify his remarks. He claimed that he had just randomly picked a name, without any real intention of attacking Reeves personally. Perry even admitted that he regretted the choice and wished he had used his own name instead. However, this explanation did little to quell the controversy. After all, the fact that Reeves’ name was mentioned not once, but twice in the book, suggested that there might be more to the story than Perry was letting on.