Nazca Plateau: Humanity’s Mysterious Marvel or Alien Intervention

On the Nazca plateau of Peru, there exist mysterious drawings that we have not been able to explain for many years.

If you have ever watched the documentary series Ancient Aliens or history and science programs on television, you may have known mysterious places such as the Aokigahara forest at the foot of Mount Fuji, Easter Island, and the Aokigahara forest at the foot of Mount Fuji. Egyptian pyramids,… Among the most famous and puzzling landmarks present on our Earth, in the desert of Peru, the area between the Inca valley and the Nazca valley, there exists a population of The strange drawings are called the Nazca Lines .

These geoglyphs are believed to have been created by the Nazca civilization. This civilization reached its peak around 200 BC, but by 650 AD, the entire civilization had collapsed. And like the collapse of this civilization, since their discovery in 1927, the drawings on the Nazca Plateau have remained an unsolved mystery to this day.

The first person to discover the drawings on the Nazca plateau was a Peruvian archaeologist, anthropologist and doctor named Toribio Mejia Xespe in 1927. However, it was not until 1937, under Under the direction of Paul Kosok, only archaeologists really pay attention and study these special drawings

When Toribio Mejia Xespe first discovered the drawings on the Nazca plateau, he clearly understood that these drawings were something important in Inca culture. However, it was only when Paul Kosok flew over Nazca to study the area’s irrigation system that he realized the real images of a giant bird, spider… on the red soil at high altitude. Former Nazca. Immediately after that, Paul Kosok and his colleague Maria Reiche decided to conduct research and learn about this fascinating archaeological area.

The Nazca Lines are located in an area 37 miles long and 15 miles wide. The drawings at the Nazca plateau are divided into two types: biological simulations and geometric glyphs. Biomimicry images are images drawn to simulate animals or plants, there are up to 70 images of this type. The largest biomimetic figure is 660 feet wide (Equivalent to 201m). In these drawings there are images of spiders, birds, llamas, trees, flowers and even images of people. Geometric glyphs include straight lines, spirals, triangles, trapezoids… The longest straight line among the glyphs on the Nazca plateau is up to 9 miles long.

Archaeologists believe that the ancient Nazca people created these drawings by scraping away the layer of red iron oxide that covered the ground surface of the Nazca plateau. Thanks to that, the white sand layer below was exposed and created the images we see today. The Nazca plateau area has a dry, windless and completely isolated climate, so the drawings here can exist for 2000 years of Earth’s history without being damaged.

However, archaeologists still cannot answer why the ancient Nazca people were able to create such giant drawings that could only be observed from the sky? and How could they observe these drawings when flying technology had not yet been developed? .Many archaeologists believe that the ancient Nazca people achieved such a high level of geodetic technology that they could accurately measure, calculate and draw these drawings right below the ground. Meanwhile, some people do not believe in this theory, they believe that these drawings could not have been created without pilots flying and observing in the sky. A researcher named Jim Woodman even asserted that the ancient Nazca people created balloons to fly into the sky to create these drawings as well as admire them from the air. Over many years, these questions have still been and will continue to be controversial in the research community.

The mystery of the drawings on the Nazca plateau does not stop there. Even the meaning and purpose of creating the Nazca Lines is an unanswered mystery. And it is this mystery that has brought Nazca its reputation. There are many hypotheses put forth to explain the existence of these drawings, however, there are only 2 hypotheses that are most believed and supported by many people.

One of the simplest hypotheses is that the Nazca drawings are symbols related to religion during this period in Nazca. The Nazca people may have drawn these images as gifts to their sacred deity, and so the drawings must have been large enough for the gods to observe from heaven. Also related to religion, the Nazca drawings are road signs, paths in an ancient ritual.

And another theory mentioned by the documentary series Ancient Aliens is that the Nazca plateau is a landing site for spaceships of an extremely developed civilization. The human figure at the Nazca site may be the image of an ancient astronaut but has been mistaken for the image of an ancient Nazca god.