The mystery of hundreds of strange stones: Are they alien artifacts

Found deep in the forests of Costa Rica, hundreds of stone balls that have existed since ancient times have incredibly smooth and round shapes, containing unanswered mysteries.

In the 1930s, about 300 round stone blocks were found in the deep forests of Costa Rica, ranging in size from 5 cm to more than 2 m in diameter, weighing up to 16 tons. Scientists are not sure who created them, when they existed, and for what purpose.


In the early 1930s, a fruit company looking for new space to grow bananas in the West found a promising plot of land in the Diquis Valley. However, when they started digging, workers discovered strange stone blocks. The most striking thing is that most of them are round and perfect. Photo: Costa Rica News.

Workers rolled them out into the two fields by hand and used presses to push them. After that, the stones were transported to many places and used as lawn decorations. Before authorities intervened, rumors spread that some rocks contained gold in their cores. Therefore, treasure hunters drilled holes, mined them with explosives in the hope of getting rich. However, they found nothing inside. Photo: Watson.

Many surveys of the results have been carried out. Most believe the stones are the work of ancient indigenous people. On the fringes, media stories suggest they are connected to aliens or the lost continent of Atlantis. Some reject other views because a sailor with basic non-metallic tools could not create such a round stone and stone. Photo: Gforum.

Most bridges appear round to the naked eye, but in fact they are not perfectly shaped. Even so, creating the stones is still a huge endeavor for those who can create hard granodiorites. Many skilled blacksmiths carefully choose stones that can peel off in layers when there are rapid changes in temperature. Photo: Brasillisnet.

Carvers can make the stone hotter and dip it in cold water. After using this method to get the general shape, the final sculpting can be done by pounding the stone against other hard materials such as stone and statues. Finally, the surface of the results is honed and polished with sand or leather. Photo: Thegolfclub.

The result of how old is required and what regimen is required to create goals are questions that are not easy to answer. Stones are not living materials, so their age is difficult to determine. However, the facilities were built around many stones, the majority of which were occupied by ceramics, suggesting they may have been created as early as 200 BC. Photo: Plugon.