The mystery of ancient Mars: images of ancient writing, a civilization wiped out by alien nuclear wa

Mars, in ancient times, was considered a star of bad omen that could bring disaster to people.

Ruins of ancient cities on Mars (Photo: NASA)

Although the ancients had a very bad impression of Mars, in modern times, with the development of human exploration technology, it has become the main celestial body for human space exploration.

Mars is less than 45 million kilometers from Earth and it will take only 220 days for the most advanced spacecraft to get there. Over the decades, people have discovered many amazing objects there.

The rover named Curiosity, once launched by NASA to the surface of Mars, accidentally took a very special photo.

A self-propelled robot named Curiosity was once launched by NASA to the surface of Mars. – Image source:

A block of rock in this photo has cracks after magnification and color processing. Observe closely the traces of the stone carvings.

UFO experts say there was a war on Mars, leaving it the barren place it is today, and the remains of many ancient buildings and statues can be found on the Martian surface.

A long time ago, something bigger than a solar storm happened on Mars. The hypothesis of a solar storm has been put forward, but a solar storm is not enough to cause such damage, and it could only cause Mars to lose its atmosphere and water. It can be seen that many broken structures and statues have led to the conclusion that there was a major war on Mars.

UFO experts also come up with more ideas about aliens who have abandoned the planet and it is very possible that the aliens do not want us to know that the planet was destroyed by one of their people.

If humans knew this, it would make humans afraid of aliens. As early as 2011, Dr. Brandenburg proposed that: A thermonuclear explosion occurred in the natural environment of Mars, causing the red surface that humans see today.

“The explosion carried debris to various places on Mars, and the nuclear surface of Mars has a thin layer of radioactive materials such as radioactive uranium, thorium and potassium,” he said.

The Cedonia and Galactic Chaos regions on the Martian surface are remnants of thermonuclear explosions, as radioactive materials uranium, thorium and high concentrations of xenon-129 in the Martian atmosphere were found to have nuclear isotopes similar to nuclear bomb tests.

In March 2015, Dr. Brandenburg reiterated his findings on Mars at the 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Symposium organized by NASA.

He said we found fused glass in two locations, so there was a nuclear explosion there. On Earth, glass wool is a glassy substance that forms at the sites of nuclear weapon detonations.

According to him, this is “the most surprising new evidence” of alien life on Mars. So far, other scientists have not offered other explanations.

Dr. Brandenburg’s views have been supported by many people. Some netizens also believe that there may still be alien creatures surviving on Mars, and human immigration plans to this planet need to be carefully considered.

If Mars had a civilization long ago, then Mars would not be a dead star. Although the surface of Mars is currently barren and no liquid water has been found, there may be large amounts of liquid water under the surface of Mars, and there may even be life on Mars. It is important to know that life exists in very harsh environments on Earth, and it is entirely possible that life exists on Mars.