Mysterious secret leak about ‘Flying Pyramid’ causes controversy in the US

A Pentagon spokesperson confirmed that the video of a “strange object” hovering on the USS Russell is not fake and is currently being investigated by the Department of Defense’s UFO tracking task force.

The incredible clip, filmed in July 2019, shows a triangular or pyramid-shaped object hovering above the missile destroyer USS Russell.

Recently, the footage was made public by documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, who confirmed that this mysterious object is definitely not a US military fighter project or any artificial technology that has been used. know.

The “unidentified aerial objects” (or UAPs) were initially described in the clip as “drones” but Corbell said their strange pyramid shape did not follow any aerodynamic principles No student ever knew”.

Corbell told UFO news site Mystery Wire: “This object flew parallel to the USS Russell. It was shaped like a type of moving vehicle, researchers have confirmed.”

“They clearly analyzed that this is not something we own or a secret project, this is not something of a foreign military, this thing works in ways that we did not expect.” , he added.

“And you already know they have a non-aerodynamic shape. Like pyramids, these are flying pyramids!”

The Pentagon has confirmed that the footage is real

Department of Defense (DOD) investigator Sue Gough told Futurism that anything shown in the video is not fake and that the video is currently being evaluated by the Pentagon’s Airborne Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF). check.

“The UAPTF has put these incidents under review,” she said.

“As we have said previously, to maintain operational security and avoid disclosure of information, DOD does not publicly discuss details of observations or inspections of unauthorized intrusions within training ranges.” or designated airspace, including suspected UAP incursions”.

Mick West, from the strange happenings website Contrail Science, believes that the flying pyramids are an optical illusion created by night vision technology used for filming. He said the clip shows a completely normal plane distorted by a photographic phenomenon called bokeh, which photographers often use to create speckled, out-of-focus backgrounds.

However, bokeh often creates circular or hexagonal blobs. Currently, there are no commercial lenses that can produce a “flying pyramid” bokeh background.