Mysterious Engravings of Extraterrestrial Beings Discovered on Sacred Land

White faces without mouths, large eyes with heads surrounded by halos or something like an astronaut’s helmet.
White faces with no mouth, large eyes with a head surrounded by a halo or something like an astronaut’s helmet.

One of the most fascinating and strange stories in the ancient culture of the Australian Aborigines is the legend of the Wandjina people – “supreme spirits, creators of land and people” whom local tribes The local people have worshiped it thousands of years ago.

The land related to the Wandjina people is a large area with an area of ​​about 200,000 square kilometers including land, sea and islands in the Kimberley region, Northwest Australia today.

Indigenous culture has existed here continuously for at least 60,000 years, possibly even longer. Here, local laws along with many traditional cultural activities are still preserved and maintained by the people.

All three major tribes of the region, the Worora, Ngarinyin and Wunubul, are related to the story of the Wandjina people. They are also the owners of the oldest pictographic works in the world: drawings of the legendary Wandjina people.

The strange paintings scattered in many cliffs and caves here are perhaps the most mysterious and controversial messages in the world. The aboriginal people said that it was the image of the Wandjina people that their ancestors had met.

The face is white, has no mouth, large black eyes and, most notably, the head is covered in a halo or something similar to the helmet of modern-day astronauts.

Researchers have tried every way to explain these ancient paintings, but none seem to be convincing enough. Some people think that it is simply a stylized image of a human face, maybe even the face of an owl.

Many others assert that it is the image of inhabitants from another planet, who visited Earth tens of thousands of years ago and had direct contact with people. Some people even believe that aliens themselves drew those strange pictures.

This seemingly unrealistic explanation is actually easy to understand. Because there is simply a significant similarity between the drawing of Wandjina and the images of extraterrestrial creatures often created in art, movies and even documents about cases of “contact with humans”. alien”.

Many logical questions are also raised, such as why are the Wandjina people depicted with white skin if that is the image of the indigenous people themselves – black people? Why are the eyes always drawn out of proportion to the face and nose? And why don’t they all have mouths?

With the help of the divine snake, the Wandjina people completed the great work of Creation, and also taught the aboriginal people a lot of knowledge. They became gods worshiped by all tribes.

After a while, the Wandjina “sky people” suddenly disappeared. They went deep underground and from there they lived at the bottom of the water sources, marked by the paintings themselves.

Today, the Worora, Ngarinyin and Wunumbul aboriginal tribes still worship Wandjina as the supreme deity, and only a few special people are allowed to paint pictures of them.

They believed that Wandjina could punish those who broke the rules with floods, lightning, and tornadoes. Wandjina paintings are also believed to possess a lot of power, so the aborigines are always very respectful and careful when approaching them.

The legend of the Wandjina “sky people” continues to be a mystery to modern people. But who can be sure that these are just fantastic stories? Together with the efforts of scientists, hopefully one day we will discover the answers to these interesting questions.