Mysterious Crop Circles: Alien Art or Extraterrestrial Messages to Earth

Giant circles of various shapes began to appear in fields in England and remain a great mystery to mankind. 

Mysterious circles – Masterpieces of “aliens”

Crop circle – Circles in the fields – is a term used to refer to patterns, huge in size, up to hundreds of meters, created in the fields by fallen tree trunks. contrasting colors along certain lines.

Most of these strange circles are concentrated in the south of England, especially Hampshire and Wiltshire. There are also many recorded circles near Avebury and Stonehenge, two sites famous for many mysterious stone structures.

But crop circles are not only found in the UK, but also in many countries around the world, within continental Europe and abroad such as the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, India…

Crop circles are often shaped very precisely and symmetrically, looking as if they were a product of machinery. The tree trunks are pressed down and bent but do not die, and often lie in a clockwise or counterclockwise vortex.

Mysterious circles have been recorded in history books since the 14th century. In the following centuries, the appearance of crop circles was also reported sporadically in many different areas.

But it was not until the 1980s that crop circles began to attract world attention when the appearance of a circle was heavily reported in the press.

By the 1990s, crop circles appeared more and more and became a phenomenon that attracted the attention of researchers as well as tourists.

Crop circle locations have become places that attract a large number of tourists from all over the world to visit and learn.

Initially, crop circles were discovered to have only a fairly simple circle shape. But as time goes on, they become more and more complicated.

In addition to single circles or connections of circles, crop circles also appear in many different shapes, often very complex.

They may also have maze-like structures, the shapes of insects, motifs of ancient civilizations or types of writing that humans have never known.

Many crop circles have structures that adhere to strict mathematical principles. Famous American astronomer and professor Gerald S.Hawkins commented that the “people” who created the crop circle had a profound knowledge of Eculid plane geometry.

These mysterious circles usually appear from April to September every year, coinciding with the harvests.

They can appear on all types of crops such as wheat, rice, corn, beans, oats, tobacco or weeds and are completely formed overnight, beyond all human observation.

Who is the author of these mysterious circles? This is a topic that has caused much controversy in recent decades.

Those who do not believe in paranormal phenomena believe that this is just a man-made product to attract people’s attention.

In fact, there have been many people who claim to be the authors of crop circles and many such “artificial” circles are made by mechanical means in full view of the media.

But those “fake” circles always leave traces from human impact. While most of the circles surveyed by scientists have absolutely no traces of vandalism or being trampled. It seems they are affected by an extremely powerful invisible energy.

The people who claim to have created the crop circle themselves cannot explain how they created the intricately shaped patterns. This has caused further speculation about the origin of crop circles.

The most well-known hypothesis is probably that aliens or a secret civilization with a higher level of development than humans created the patterns in the fields as their message to humanity. .

Some scientists believe that crop circles are a result of cyclones, which are common in the south of England. But this hypothesis is not very convincing because vortex winds cannot create such perfect geometric structures.

Other opinions suggest that the crop circle is created by energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation coming from within the Earth. In fact, scientists have measured quite a strong magnetic field inside the circle. But it’s hard to believe that natural energy has the imagination to create patterns like this butterfly.

American researcher William Levengood discovered that plants grown in cropcircles were damaged in the same way as when they were placed in a microwave. It seemed like they had collapsed due to sudden heating from the inside like the energy in a microwave.

In 2001, two Dutch farmers claimed to have seen “columns” of white light shining into their bean fields. After that, a crop circle appeared where the light hit.

In short, after decades of research, the phenomenon of “circles in fields” is still a mystery to humanity. Hopefully, a definitive answer to this phenomenon will be found in the near future.