Megan Fox opens up about her โ€˜dream boyโ€™ Machine Gun Kelly and empowering girls to embrace their true selves.

You want to talk about life imitating art? Hollywood crucified Megan Fox, and now sheโ€™s back, with absolutely zero fโ€“ks to give, and a role as an alluring vampire in the new Netflix horror movie โ€œNight Teeth.โ€

Itโ€™s a plot twist straight out of โ€œJenniferโ€™s Body,โ€ her 2009 horror-comedy first panned as a misfire, then elevated to feminist cult classic. Itโ€™s also the movie that inspired countless women to come out of the closet, in part thanks to Foxโ€™s steamy makeout scene with Amanda Seyfried (and also with a lighter, but that was more of a demonic possession thing).

โ€œI canโ€™t tell you how many girls, from 30 down into their teens โ€” or, fโ€“k that, my age, too โ€” come up to me and are like, โ€˜I realized I was gay because of you,โ€™ or โ€˜I felt comfortable coming out because of you,โ€™ because of โ€˜Jenniferโ€™s Bodyโ€™ and the interviews I did about being biSั”xual before it was cool,โ€ says the 35-year-old Fox, who celebrated Pride this year with a rainbow mani on Instagram and the caption โ€œPutting the B in #LGBTQIA for over two decades.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s something thatโ€™s so important to me, that Iโ€™m so proud of,โ€ she says. โ€œIf my purpose on Earth was to help one girl come out of the closet and feel OK about it, I had an amazing purpose here.โ€

Fox isnโ€™t big on small talk. Sheโ€™s an intense Zoom hang. Itโ€™s great. She speaks her mind in a way that Iโ€™m sure has caused many a publicist to tear their hair out over the years.

Fox isnโ€™t holding back with her new relationship, either. She and former Alexa cover star Machine Gun Kelly have been positively scorching red carpets and Instagram with their public appearances, often with Fox dressed in as little as possible. Their Goth-tinged declarations of lust and undying love have made them the couple of the year. But even though Kelly towers over her, you get the sense itโ€™s Fox calling the sHเนฯ„s. (Exhibit A: a British GQ cover that features a crouching Fox pointing a gun at Kellyโ€™s crotch.) In mid-September, she dominated coverage of the VMAs with her sheer, wet-look Mugler dress and thong, calling MGK her โ€œfuture baby daddyโ€ onstage โ€” and, mischievously, just โ€œDaddyโ€ on the red carpet.

Sheโ€™s rarely pHเนฯ„ographed smiling, which is refreshing in our era of relentless social media positivity. Hers is more resting badแด€ss face than resting bitch face.

Today, though, sheโ€™s wearing a โ€œFlashdanceโ€-esque slouchy black tee and a friendly expression, seated on the floor in front of a couch. I relay a recent YouTube comment that resonated: โ€œMegan Fox was always too punk rock for her time.โ€

โ€œWord,โ€ she says, with a smile (a smile!). โ€œI appreciate that, for sure. I went through a decade where I believed in what I had done, and in everything I said. Granted, it came out of a young mouth and I probably would have articulated it in a different way now, but my intention was always super honest.โ€

In an infamous interview with Wonderland magazine, Fox went nuclear on her โ€œTransformersโ€ director, Michael Bay: โ€œHe wants to be like Hitler on his sets, and he is.โ€ She also called out a directorial style that, one imagines, might not fly as well today, claiming Bayโ€™s directions on set to her were often limited to: โ€œBe Hเนฯ„.โ€ At the time (2009), the world lost its damn mind. Bayโ€™s crew trashed her in the media. Co-star Shia LaBeouf trashed her. She was portrayed as brainless, as being ungrateful to have had a role at all. And then she had the audacity to opt out of the third installment of the series. (Bay told GQ that executive producer Steven Spielberg told him to fire her after the Hitler comment.)

โ€œI quit one of the biggest franchises Hollywood has ever had. And I had to live with people being like, โ€˜You were fired because you were a pain in the แด€ss,โ€™โ€ she says. โ€œI didnโ€™t open my mouth to defend myself, I just lived with it. I didnโ€™t know how long it would take, but I knew it would circle back around. Even if it was after I was แด…แด‡แด€แด…, I knew eventually people would have a better understanding of what was really happening at the time. Iโ€™m happy I lived to see it, I guess,โ€ she adds with a bleak laugh.

Sheโ€™s said that despite her experiences with harแด€ssment in Hollywood, she doesnโ€™t feel sheโ€™s seen as a โ€œsympathetic victim.โ€

โ€œA lot of women fall into this archaic, critical, mom-shaming, slut-shaming thing,โ€ she says. โ€œItโ€™s like, โ€˜Youโ€™re 35, you have three kids, you shouldnโ€™t be wearing that.โ€™ So I donโ€™t exist in a world where itโ€™s like, oh, we all transcended the patriarchy. A lot of narratives are being spat out that are toxic to women, by other women. And that is a tragedy.โ€

But Fox isnโ€™t wasting much time on the haters (and sheโ€™s definitely not reading the comments). Sheโ€™s got several movies in the works, including a juicy part in โ€œJohnny & Clyde,โ€ an update of the crime-spree classic; a newly announced role in โ€œThe Expendables 4โ€; and the dark comedy โ€œBig Gold Brick,โ€ alongside Oscar Isaac and Andy Garcia. She received raves for her performance in this summerโ€™s โ€œTill Death,โ€ as a woman fighting her way out of a diabolically engineered trap. Thatโ€™s the kind of work she prefers, she says: โ€œlike action-heavy stuff. I like using my body, I like to be physical.โ€

Fox got her acting start in, of all places, an Olsen twins movie, 2001โ€™s โ€œHoliday in the Sun.โ€ She met Brian Austin Green, whom Gen Xers will remember as David Silver on the original โ€œ90210,โ€ just three years later. He was 30 and she was 18. They were together for 16 years โ€” a lifetime in Hollywood, as the saying goes. They have three kids theyโ€™re now co-parenting since filing for divorce (and coming to a settlement this week).

She has since, famously, moved on to dating MGK. She and Kelly โ€” nรฉe Colson Baker โ€” met in 2020 on the set of the serial killer drama โ€œMidnight in the Switchgrแด€ss,โ€ which came out this summer and, despite a respectable performance from Fox, was panned, even by her costar boyfriend on Twitter. Baker plays a skeezy pimp, and the two sparked immediately in the scene where she beats him up.

โ€œI wish someone had asked me, when I was, like, 6, to draw a picture of the perfect boy,โ€ Fox says. โ€œHe would be weirdly tall, to where it almost looks painful, and super thin, and blond, and have earrings and tattoos and be wearing tartan pants and, like, a womanโ€™s blouse.

โ€œAnd he manifested and is real! Aesthetically, [Baker] is my perfect crush. I think I was pre-programmed to be attracted to him. I always wanted a boyfriend who would share a closet with me and wear my clothes. I donโ€™t know how he gets them on his body, but he does, and it looks really good.โ€

Bakerโ€™s an edgy clotheshorse who has drawn Fox into the fun of dressing up. (She even launched her own fashion collaboration with Boohoo this week.) At this yearโ€™s Billboard Music Awards, she wore a sheer, black, heavily cut-out Mugler gown that matched Bakerโ€™s black-dyed tongue.

The way she talks about him โ€” theyโ€™ve called themselves โ€œtwin flamesโ€ โ€” feels like they met mere days ago and have been having Sั”x nonstop. Which her role in his S&M-tinged โ€œBloody Valentineโ€ video didnโ€™t exactly tamp down. But itโ€™s been a year and theyโ€™re living together (and tattooing each other) now. He calls twice just during the hour weโ€™re on Zoom. He also stopped by her pHเนฯ„o shoot for this story, popping in to surprise her, much to everyoneโ€™s amusement.

โ€œMy agent was in the hallway, and I saw he was talking to somebody like this [she tilts her face steeply upward] and there are only so many people who are that tall.โ€ Bakerโ€™s 6-foot-5 and Fox is 5-foot-4. Itโ€™s hardly the only glaring difference between them.

โ€œI like going to bed at 10 and getting up at 6 and going for a hike and meditating,โ€ she says. โ€œAnd heโ€™s going to bed at 5 a.m. and waking up at 8 p.m.โ€

Sheโ€™s also sober, which is a challenge when your boyfriend is a rockstar. โ€œBeing in a fโ€“king nightclub isnโ€™t fun when youโ€™re not drunk โ€” Iโ€™m just sitting there watching everybody, like, when is it over?โ€

She did make an exception to her no drugs rule, though, to try psychedelic mushrooms with Baker โ€” โ€œI had such a lovely experience, I hope it becomes legalโ€ โ€” and to do an ayahuasca ceremony, in which the two ingested a ritual shamanic hallucinogen. Fox, a Tennessee native, was raised in the Pentecostal Christian church, and she says she โ€œliterally went through hellโ€ on her trip. Still, she cheerfully recommends the experience. โ€œIt makes you so grateful for your life.โ€

I tell her itโ€™s nice to see her having so much fun in her relationship with Baker.

โ€œIโ€™m so happy in this moment of my life,โ€ Fox says. โ€œThatโ€™s something I didnโ€™t get when I was younger. I wish I had been more present. Iโ€™ve learned to just appreciate the moment Iโ€™m in.โ€

All too soon, our time is up. โ€œOK,โ€ she says, โ€œIโ€™m going to call him back. Bye!โ€