Joυrпey Of Love. Loviпg the 9 year old boy with a “devil” face

At 9 years old, little Duong Van Luong almost never had a childhood because he was used to living in a state of fear when meeting people. I have a congenital disease called xeroderma pigmentosum, which causes my whole body to become covered in black pimples. The disease also deformed her face, so I had to be very observant to discover her two red, swollen eyelids mixed in with the “skin” that was rough and pimples.

Having xeroderma pigmentosum caused Luong’s face to be deformed because it was covered in pimples.

Sitting facing the stranger, even though I reassured him: “Go talk to me, it’s okay” but the boy was still very shy. The pimples make me itchy so I have to constantly scratch them. There were times when my face was distorted but I couldn’t cry because the lower part of my skin was red and bleeding. Feeling sorry for her, the uncle sitting next to her urged her: “It’s bleeding again, it hurts so much, don’t scratch it anymore” but the only response was my “help-seeking” eyes that I haven’t had a response in these 9 years.

Afraid of meeting strangers, the boy had to hide behind his uncle at the hospital.

Born in a poor rural area, Queo village, Phu Nhuan commune, Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang province, from a young age, little Luong’s body appeared full of pimples, but it was unclear what disease he had. . Has been examined and treated at commune and district general hospitals, but: “Luong’s mother works as a laborer, and takes as little money as she can to take her child to see a doctor, but it only lasts a few days and then there’s not a penny left.” should brought me home again” – said uncle Duong Van Tai.

Having been sick since childhood, my father passed away early, so my mother took care of all the family work alone. But unfortunately, she is not “normal” like everyone else, sometimes awake, sometimes unconscious, sometimes dirty, so the meals for her children are also erratic and uneven. At 9 years old, Luong’s thin body is a sign of severe malnutrition due to lack of food.

My father passed away early, my mother was not wise, so my uncle Duong Van Lai took me to the hospital for treatment.

Talking with Dr. Nguyen Thi Nhu Lan – Head of Laser Surgery Department, Central Dermatology Hospital (Hanoi), we learned that baby Luong was just admitted to the hospital a few days ago and is also a patient being treated by doctors. very interested because the figure is so “special”. All over my skin, dark spots appeared. Currently at the hospital, I have been tested to determine whether I have skin cancer or not.

 The results confirm that I have cancer. The hospital will have it next week. However, if the conclusion is correct that I have cancer, the hospital will try to remove the acne on my face to reduce pain and spread. And one thing is certain: my treatment time will be long and very difficult, so I need the support and help of the community.

My back is also full of acne.

After being in Hanoi for a few days, Mr. Lai said: Luong liked it very much because he saw a lot of people and vehicles passing by so he wanted to go see it, but then he looked down because he remembered that his face was not normal. I should point it out sitting in the room. Occasionally someone passes by and sees her and wants to visit and talk to her, but she keeps hiding behind me because she’s so scared. In the countryside, everyone was “scared” when they met Luong, so over time he became very scared, just sitting facing the wall alone.

Her tearful smile makes those in front of her feel bitter.

Without a father, a lukewarm mother, poverty and illness were enough to “rob” a 9-year-old child of his entire childhood, leaving Luong almost alone. An ugly face is like an invisible wall separating you from everyone and becoming isolated. Be silent, keep your head down and occasionally only dare to peek to find sympathy and sharing even though it is “rare” as you think. I encouraged him: “Try hard, the disease can be cured.” Suddenly the boy looked up and smiled, but at the corners of his mouth blood also began to flow because his skin was being stretched and irritated. So I know, many people have “difficult” ways, but for me, even a smile and hope must be exchanged for pain due to illness.