Lionel Messi’s Parenting Advice: Teaching His Children the Importance of Limited Phone Use and the Value of Daily Quality Time Together.

Soccer star Lionel Messi recently shared remarkable stories about his family life.

On the evening of September 21, Lionel Messi’s interview with host Migue Granados was officially broadcast. Here, the Argentinian soccer star shared notable information about his wife Antonela as well as how to raise children.

Messi in a recent interview with host Migue Granados

Accompany your children

At this time, Messi had three lovely sons: Thiago (12 years old), Mateo (10 years old) and Ciro (5 years old). In his interview, the player on the Inter Miami payroll admitted that his children do not have cell phones yet.

According to some opinions, the reason Messi does this is to let his children spend more time doing physical activities outside, instead of focusing on sitting in front of the screen.

Besides, Messi also teaches his children good things and core values. “I think I’m a good father. I try to convey to my children the values ​​that I was taught when I was a boy. It is thanks to those values ​​that I became the person I am today. “, Messi revealed.

Messi’s three children, from left, Thiago, Mateo and Ciro

As a famous player with a busy schedule, Messi still tries to spend time with his children. In a recent interview, the Argentine striker admitted that he was the one who took three children to school. Messi also regularly chats and understands the personality of each little angel.

“The eldest brother, Thiago, was the first one we trained. After that, he became a model for the two younger siblings to follow. However, each child’s personality is different. Thiago is somewhat reserved and likes to observe. everything around. The second brother, Mateo, is quick to talk and can tell you everything about life around him. The youngest brother, Ciro, is more reserved,” Messi confided.

It is known that Thiago and Mateo were enrolled by Messi in Inter Miami’s youth team. The World Cup champion admitted that his children all love football but do not put pressure on them to become players. Instead, Messi lets the children freely choose what they like to pursue.

Send my gratitude to my wife Antonela

At the interview, Messi also had kind words for his wife Antonela – who has been with her since the Argentine star was still anonymous.

“Antonela is a great mother. I respect her very much. Antonela spent 24 hours with the children when I had to play away from home for the national team or club. Sometimes there were times when I was away from home for a month.” or a month and a half and she’s the one taking care of it. I used to look after my children for a whole day and understand how difficult it is,” Messi confided.

Messi’s small family

In fact, Messi’s decision to leave Europe to move to the US to play football for Inter Miami was partly because of his family. Even though he has to be away from top football, in return, Messi has more time with his loved ones.

When asked about having a new member, the 36-year-old striker said he hopes to have another baby girl. “I would like to have more members in my family, but right now I haven’t thought much about it. If possible, I hope the couple has another daughter,” Messi added.