Kim & Khloe Kardashian Messed Up | Diddy Used Them As Cover-Up For FRAUD Money?

So it looks like Kim Kardashian and her money hungry family may be getting arrested any day now because new evidence just Expos them for helping to clean the dirty money that Diddy was making from his seex and even recruiting vulnerable girls to be used during these freak off parties.

These allegations got even worse when a video went viral of Chloe confessing to attending Diddy’s freak offs and seeing naked people over there, including Justin Bieber, as if all that wasn’t bad enough.

It also turns out that Kim and her momager, Chris Jenner, set up an entire fake Church where they work together to profit off of the death and declining mental health of other celebrities by getting them locked up in conservatorships.

Apparently, this is the real way that the Kardashians be making their billions and all these madeup businesses they keep throwing in our faces they just coverups.


So this entire mess started a few days ago when a video from one of the former EP episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians started going viral.

In this video, Chloe was telling Courtney about a wild industry party she attended with Diddy, Justin and Diddy’s stepson Quincy.

Chloe flat out admitted that this party was a freak off and claimed that the people that she saw were also celebrities, but unlike regular parties, they was all naked.

D. so who was with you this weekend?

A bunch of my friends: Diddy Quincy, Justin Bieber, so far.

So Montana, do you even know half the people you’re naming?

No, I got on a plane at 5:30.

Am this party?

Think half the people there were.

You would have loved it.

As soon as all this came out, people started digging into the connection that the Kardashians have to all of this, and that’s when they found out that Kim and her mama, Chris Jenner, are heavily involved as well.

For starters, someone leaked several photos of Diddy’s Infamous white party, and in these pictures people can be seen freaking off like it’s no tomorrow.

I mean prior to this leak, we already had heard about the freak offs, but this was the first time we actually saw private photos of it happening, and guess it was in the photo: Kim and her bestie Paris Hilton.

There were also other people at the party, including Chris Brown, Leonardo Dicaprio, the late Ara, Franklin, Obama, Trump, Harry, and the list just goes on.

In fact, the particular photo of Kim that’s going viral at this party.

She can be seen posing on top of a huge bed with Diddy and Paris, and it’s being alleged that this is the bed that all these celebrities freak off on together and for those of y’all gearing up to defend them people, those are actually photos from the freak offs from that exact party.

For example, there was this photo of Diddy porn champagne on these two as they touch themselves for his satisfaction.

Then there’s also this photo of someone from Diddy’s Entourage in the pool with two escorts while he was sucking on their tatas and doing intimate things to them.

There are even more graphic photos and videos that I can’t show y’all, but you pretty much see.

They was getting down to business and Kim was right there, having the time of her life.

No one would care about any of this if these women were consenting to all of it, but from Diddy’s indictment we know he was tracking them into the country, loading them up with ridiculous amounts of Ivf, so they could endure these freak offs for days on end against their will.

What’s even crazier is that prior to Diddy getting arrested, Kim tried to distance herself from him by unfollowing him on Instagram just 24 hours before his house was raided.

But this was actually what made people look into her and clock her connection to all this, because people could not understand why she unfollowed him when he was incriminated in Cassie’s lawsuit all the way back in November, but just so happened to unfollow him 24 hours before raid and per usual, people had to put on their detective hats to figure out what the connection was.

And, girl, they found a whole lot of dirt on Kim and her family more than any of us could ever imagine.

It all began when a woman on Tik Tok, who goes by the name Bb, the songwriter, posted an explosive video spilling all the tea about Kim and Diddy’s Shady relationship.

If y’all remember, Chris Jenner got exposed a while ago for opening up a church called California Community Church, where all the members were required to pay $1,000 a month as a membership fee and donate over 10% of their earnings to the church as Tyes.

Initially, people thought this was a scheme orchestrated by Chris to help her and her daughters get a tax right off, but it actually goes much deeper than that.

It turns out.

L Taylor, who’s the owner of the popular Hollywood management company Tristar, which also happens to be the company managing Diddy, is a board member of the Shady church and they’ve been receiving payments from Diddy toay pay off his Sa victim, so they won’t come forward and testify against him.

Apparently they disguise this hush money as the church fund which is donated to women and children.

So basically, they make it look like the church is donating money to a bunch of random women in need, when what they really doing is paying off Diddy’s victim so they can recant their statements or not come out at all.

Not only that, but it was also alleged that this church is where Diddy launders all the illegal money that he makes from TR- all them vulnerable girls, so he can keep the money in the bank without having to stash it in his house.

Um two, 24 hours before the raid, Kim Kardashian decides to unfollow Diddy.

Right, well, come to find out.

This person, by the name of Lou Taylor, is apparently Diddy’s manager.

Um, and this Lou Taylor woman is also on the board of Hill song’s Church home.

Follow me, go with me.

They is doing all of this ch in the name of the Lord.

What just follow the story now, to cover myself, everything in this video is a legend.

Honey, this is what I dig up, and I don’t know if how much truth is to it, but there’s reportings.

Okay, So everything that I’m saying is allegedly.

Keep that in mind.

So, um, Lou Taylor apparently is paying off allegedly some of Diddy’s victims from this slush fund through some church fund.

Okay, not only that, um, Kim Kardashian mama has been making these girls pay 10% ties to some church that Lou Taylor and her husband is basically owner, co owner or whatever.

So I was like, let me look to this L Taylor person.

I’m thinking L Taylor was a guy who was a woman with a husband, whole husband, and they doing Ministry and everything.

Now, mind you, y’all remember the whole thing with Britney Spears.

So come to find out L T this gets deep.

Y’all hold on, okay?

So L Taylor is the Ceo of triar sports and entertainment.

Um, she’s like a business manager icon.

Now, Mike, do y’all know the lwh hands?

What’s the Lindsay Lohan?

So she apparently allegedly, um, she has been behind most of these Stars, conservative ship situations, especially Britney Spear.

So before um, before we talk about Britney, um, Mike Lohan, which is um, the Lowan girl, Lindsy Lan’s daddy accused Lou Taylor, um and the mama, Dena Lohan for trying to put Lindsay Lohan in a conservative ship concerning her money.

Also, allegedly there’s a lawsuit from 2021 with Astro World tragedy and she’s being sued for um for employment Discrimin Nation.

Um, this is what this Lou Lou lady is now Lou Associates maintain intense control also over Britney Spear’s life.

Um, and money.

Um, and she was behind even the conservative ship.

Of why Britney Spears had that conservative ship?

Because she ended up becoming the business manager and took over the financial pieces of Britty spear.

It was also revealed that Kim was allegedly also working with Diddy at some point to get Kanye into a conservative ship so they could steal his money.

Y’all know, real, similar to what they did to Britney for over a decade.

Apparently, Kim and Diddy were behind the agenda to pay Kanye out as a crazy person, so they could put him in a conservatorship and steal his money.

In fact, Kanye himself revealed a little while ago that he was prescribed an Unholy amount of lithium in doses, even though he really didn’t need look.

They tried to medicate me, they, I was exhausted.

They diagnosed me and they, they.


When I asked them, how much lithium did you want to put me on exactly?

It took them 4 days to answer, because they were embarrassed about the amount right

And I refus to take this right.

You understand that if I had taken the medication, I would not be here and it would have been wois.

He was deeply troubled.

We miss him.

We love his music, though.

Well, they would have Britney Spears to.

I mean, look, they would have Michael Jackson or Worse.


So look I what they did.

Look, they did to Britney.

When she went in, she was tired.

She was exhausted.

She was in a bad way, but 10 years of that medication wrecked her brain.

You can see it now, you can see there’s not much of her left.

And if y’all remember, Britney also revealed in one of her Court hearings that her family intentionally misdiagnosed her and pumped her up with a huge load of lithium, which they later tried to use in court to claim that Britney was incapable of handling her own finances.

I would honestly like to sue my family.

To be totally honest with you, um, I also would like to be able to sh share my story with the world and, um, what they did to me instead of it being a hush hush secret to benefit all of them.

I want to be able to be heard on what they did to me by making me keep this in for so long is not good for my heart.

I’ve been so angry and I cry every day.

It concerns me.

I’m told.

I’m not allowed to expose the people who did this to me.

For my sanity, I need you to the judge to approve me.

Do be do an interview where I can be heard on what they did to me and actually I have the right to use my voice and take up for myself.

My attorney says I can’t.

Um, it’s, it’s not good.

I can’t let the public know anything they did to me and by not saying anything, is saying it’s okay.

I, I don’t know what I said here.

It’s not okay.

I would R. actually I don’t want to interview.

I’d much rather just have an open call to you for the press to hear, which I didn’t know.

Today we’re doing.

People also brought up the fact that Kim publicly supported Balenciaga and helped them promote inappropriate photos of kids.

This disturbing photo shoot included six children holding Teddy bears, wearing bees, bondage gear, fishnets, heghts, leather harnesses and chains.

Also, one of the Bears has a purple eye, implying a strange connection between children, sex and vience.

The bondage imagery was not only glorifying children’s, but it also has real Eerie undertones of child abuse and Bdm.

In a few images, the children were also surrounded by adult suggestive items such as wine glasses, beer, koozies and duct tape.

In one of the photos, the duct tape reads B, all in siaga, which many online made the connection to ball, an ancient Canaanite deity whom children were sacrifice to baby.

It’s a hot mess, a real hot mess.

Ain, no wonder Kim has been quiet since this whole thing went down.

She knows the feds are catching up to her and her family.

And can we talk about the fact that Chloe literally admitted to seeing Justin at the Freak off?

That poor boy was passed around like a piece of me and they got him addicted to all kind of stuff by the the time they were done with him.

As usual, people had their own thoughts, like this person who said: weirdly enough, Kanye has actually been speaking out against Diddy for years.

Sadly, everyone just thought he was crazy.

That’s why Chloe became obsessed with weight loss.

Elo had to be snatched for those parties.

Another person said this is the most silent they’ve ever been.

It speaks volumes.

Not only them, but most of Hollywood is pretty damn quiet.

But now I want to know your thought.

What do y’all think about Kim and Chloe getting exposed for being involved with Diddy? and do y’all think Kim and Chris were really helping Diddy to wash all that fried money with that fake Church?

Y’all been knew what to do.

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below and don’t forget to click here to watch this other very messy video.