Kevin Hart mocked the LGBT community in his controversial speech

On the LGBTQ controversy that got him booted as Oscars host:

“A come-to-Jesus moment…sometimes it’s OK to take a step back and to be educated. I got a crash course. It was one that was necessary and needed.”

On comedian Katt Williams’ criticisms, suggesting Kevin’s an industry plant who made false claims about the beginning of his career:

“It’s just that. It’s entertainment. If that’s what he fuels himself off, God bless him. Good for him. I hope he gets all that he needs and he wants, and I’m here cheering for him from afar. That’s my real energy. I really mean it! That’s how happy and secure I am with my career and my life.”

On addressing his misadventures in activism following George Floyd protests in his recent routine:

“The joke came from me realizing, this isn’t what I do…there was a moment where I was like, what the f— am I doing? Let me go sit my stupid a– down. These people are out here and fired up. I’m not ready to be on that front line on that level. I want to be supportive but I don’t have that thing. So let me make sure I check myself.”

On using his comedy to build an empire:

“It isn’t just about the ability to tell the joke. It’s about the ability to make the joke lead to the TV, the TV to the movie, the movie to the ownership…the jokes acted as my door to get to the things that I’m really good at.”
