Jennifer Aniston’s Slim-Down Secrets: Her Diet & Exercise Routine Revealed!

Can you believe that this insane body belongs to a 46-year-old?! Jennifer Aniston has only gotten better with age, and we’ve got her workout and diet secrets that can get you looking like this in time for summer! Well, at least we can help you try.

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Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox show off their amazing bodies, while accompanied by Justin Theroux, Howard Stern and pals on their New Year’s holiday in Los Cabos, Mexico

Jen’s main trick to staying so svelte is doing everything in moderation, which applies to both her eating and her workout routines.

“I work out almost every day, at least five or six days a week,โ€ she’s said, but Jen is not in the gym for hours on end. โ€œI do 40 minutes of cardio, either spinning, running or the elliptical.โ€

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Jen also does yoga and Pilates, and her yoga teacher, Mandy Ingber, credits her amazing body to Jennifer’s varying routine. “Part of why she looks so awesome is her balance,” she tells OK!.

As for her diet? Jen eats all the good, healthy stuff like proteins and vegetables, but allows herself a cheat day once a week.

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Source: Splash

So, what does Jen splurge on her cheat day? And how does her fiance, Justin Theroux, feel about her intense workout regimen?