“High-Speed UFO Encounter Captured by Canadian Drone”

In 2018, the individual set out to capture aerial photos of the city and its surroundings. However, it was only recently that they revisited their videos and discovered a peculiar high-speed object in one of them. The UFO zooms by at such an incredible speed that even in slow motion, it appears as a whitish elongated “spear,” making it challenging to discern its details.

According to the owner of the drone, the object flew so close to the drone that a little more and could have brought it down.

At first, he believed that this object was a bird or even another drone. But then he rejected both versions, because not a single bird flies at such a speed, as there are no such drones (at least civilian ones).

He also noticed that when he launched his drone over these houses, he did not hear any extraneous sounds in the sky, that is, the high-speed object was also completely silent.