Heartbreakiпg Plea: Mother Seeks Help for Little Girl with Hydrocephalυs aпd Eпormoυs Head Tυmor

In a heart-wrenching plea from Manila, Philippines, an 11-month-old girl named MK Cruz is facing the challenges of hydrocephalus, a condition causing fluid buildup in her brain. This has led to an uncontrollable enlargement of her head, impacting her eyesight and requiring urgent surgical intervention. MK’s parents, Cathleen Chavosao (18 years old) and Reynaldo Cruz (32 years old), are desperately seeking a surgeon to save their daughter, but financial constraints and the rarity of expertise in the Philippines pose significant obstacles.

MK’s hydrocephalus has resulted in a ball-sized tumor on her head, making her case particularly severe. The only potential cure involves a complex surgical procedure utilizing a drainage device to alleviate the pressure inside her skull. However, the family is facing the daunting challenge of raising thousands of dollars for the surgery while struggling to find a surgeon capable of addressing MK’s unique condition.

Reynaldo Cruz, MK’s father and a tricycle driver, shared the dire situation: “The doctor told us that there is hope of saving MK’s eyes once the tumor on her head is released. But this was a risky surgery, and the doctors said they were unable to treat both hydrocephalus and vision. However, if I can’t have surgery, I don’t know what will happen to her.”

The family’s financial difficulties add to the complexity of the situation, as they continue their search for a surgeon willing and able to treat MK. Despite the challenges, they remain hopeful and determined to explore every avenue to save their daughter.

Local residents in Manila have rallied to support MK’s family, raising funds to provide the young girl with the opportunity for the life-changing surgery she so desperately needs. The swelling caused by MK’s hydrocephalus is more extensive than typical cases, leading to concerns about potential tumor involvement.

MK’s parents refuse to lose hope, emphasizing the need for a specialized surgeon to address their daughter’s unique case. Cathleen Chavosao expressed her belief that waiting for a doctor from the US to treat MK’s eyes is their best chance, as no one in the Philippines currently possesses the necessary expertise.

The family is determined to fight for their daughter’s future, hoping that with the right medical intervention, MK can overcome the challenges posed by hydrocephalus and the associated head tumor.