Google”Ancient Enigma Unveiled: Thousand-Year-Old Statue Depicting Lizard Man with Alien Visage”

Thousand-year-old mystery of lizard man statue with “deformed” face

 generally accepted view in mainstream archeology is that civilization began in ancient Mesopotamia with the great civilization of Sumer in what is now modern-day Iraq. However, in the early 20th century, archaeologists excavating at Tell Al’Ubaid in Iraq made an unusual discovery when they unearthed a number of 7,000-year-old artifacts representing humanoids with unique characteristics. point of reptiles.

One of the world’s most difficult mysteries to solve are the Ubaid lizard statues found in Iraq. These ancient statues have human faces but have many similarities to lizards.

Archaeologists have found a number of Ubaid lizard man statues in Iraq, mainly in Tell Al’Ubaid, Ur and Eridu. According to experts, these statues belong to the pre-Sumerian civilization – the Ubaid people .

These statues have human faces but have many similarities with lizards.

The Ubaid period existed from 5,900 – 4,000 BC. The reason these statues attract the attention of experts and the public is because of their shape.

The Ubaidian culture was a prehistoric culture in Mesopotamia dating from 4000 to 5500 BC. To the Sumerians, the origins of the Ubaidians remained a mystery. They lived in large village settlements in mud-brick houses and they developed architecture, agriculture, and cultivated the land using irrigation.

Ubaidian domestic architecture includes large T-shaped houses with large courtyards, paved roads, as well as food processing equipment. According to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, some of these villages began to develop into towns, temples began to appear, as well as monumental structures such as those at Eridu, Ur and Uruk, sites of the Sumerian civilization. Sumerian texts explain that Ur was believed to be the first city.

Specifically, the statues found at Tell Al’Ubaid, Ur and Eridu all have in common that they have human faces but have many similarities to lizards. All the statues are posed and don’t have much style. Some experts say these statues are not like statues of gods with human bodies and animal heads like ancient Rome or Egypt.

Naked lizard-headed woman breastfeeding, from Ur, Iraq, c. 4000 BC, now Iraq Museum. (Osama Shukir Muhammed,

Other figurines have been found holding a scepter or scepter, possibly a symbol of justice and rule. Each statue has a different pose, but the strangest are some of the statues of women hugging and breastfeeding babies, some of whom are even shown as a lizard-like creature.

One view is that these statues depict a little-known race of lizard people. There is even a theory that these statues depict aliens in the form of lizards. However, there is also a view that the Ubaid people once practiced the practice of deforming the skull. This may cause their heads to have lizard-like features.

The statues are presented with long heads, almond-shaped eyes, elongated faces and lizard-like noses. Exactly what they represent is completely unknown. According to archaeologists, their posture, such as that of a breastfeeding woman, does not suggest that they were ceremonial objects. So what do these Ubaid lizard people represent?

Whatever they were, they seemed to have been important to the ancient Ubaidians . We know that the snake was a major symbol used in many societies to represent certain deities, such as the Sumerian god Enki, and that the snake was later used as a symbol for the Brotherhood of the Snake, said to be an ancient secret society. Is there any connection between the symbol of the snake and the symbol of the lizard? Currently, these questions remain unanswered.

Until now, the scientific community has not been able to decode the secret of the 7,000-year-old lizard-man statues with strange heads.