Göbekli Tepe: Unveiling the Enigma of an Ancient Temple and the Alien Conspiracy Theory

The discoveries of the Gobekli Tepe temple complex in southern Türkiye suddenly overturned all previous notions about humanity’s ancient past.

Mysterious prehistoric construction

After the Gobekli Tepe temple complex  was discovered on a remote hilltop in southern Turkey, near the border with Syria, travel companies quickly organized a series of tours here. Participating tourists include not only Turkish residents but also from Europe and many other countries.

Buses painted white, equipped with air conditioning and televisions line each other on a bumpy, winding road before passing through a large stone gate. Tourists slowly climb the hill. When they reach the top, they all seem to be overwhelmed by the scenery here.

Panoramic view of Göbekli Tepe temple complex. (Photo: travelingmyself.com)

Before their eyes, a series of giant stone pillars formed a circle, one following the other. All stone columns are T-shaped, 3 to 6 meters high, and are conjectured to be stylized human figures, based on the images of human limbs engraved on some of the columns.

Gobekli Tepe is reminiscent of the ancient stone field of Stonehenge , however, this temple was built earlier, not made from slate but from limestone columns engraved with reliefs of animals such as antelopes, snakes, foxes, and scorpions. , wild boar, and even abstract symbols, sometimes linked into a scene.

The T-shaped stone column is conjectured to be a stylized human figure

In terms of chronology, Gobekli Tepe was formed about 11,600 years ago, which is 7,000 years before the Great Pyramid of Giza. This is the oldest known temple, the first structure that humans have built that is much larger and more complex than the huts they used to take refuge in.

Compared to the Great Pyramid of Giza , Gobekli Tepe hides even greater secrets. Prehistoric builders assembled square stone blocks weighing from 11 to 22 tons into giant pillars. Then, they moved the pillars from the rocky beach up to the hilltop area, a distance of 100 to 500 meters. To date, archaeologists have unearthed more than 200 giant pillars buried in the sand.

At this site, pillars were erected and other large stone blocks were arranged around them to form a circular structure surrounded by walls. In the center of the temple are placed the two tallest pillars facing the sky like antenna columns.

On the body of the pillars are engraved many mysterious shapes and descriptions. World researchers have claimed a series of real events in human history have coincided with the prophetic carvings at Gobekli Tepe. It is estimated that only 5% of the mysteries at Gobekli Tepe have been decoded while the remaining mysteries of this prehistoric structure still pose challenges to modern science.

During the time Göbekli Tepe was built, most of humanity still lived in small nomadic groups, subsisting on hunting and gathering. The construction of this project requires a huge, concentrated amount of labor, something that has never happened before. The masons could cut, carve and transport 16 tons of stone to a total height of hundreds of meters without the need for rollers or draft animals.

Archaeologists imagine that the ancient pilgrims approached the temple from below, making the pillars look like giants. When they lit the fire, the animal figures carved on the stone danced like messengers from a spiritual world that people at that time only vaguely imagined.

Today, archaeologists continue to excavate the Göbekli Tepe temple complex and debate its meaning. They believe that this area is of paramount importance in a series of unexpected discoveries that overturn all previous notions about humanity’s ancient past.

Twenty years ago, most researchers still believed they had a clear understanding of the Neolithic Period (9,600 – 7,300 BC), which was also the period when Göbekli Tepe was born. But in recent years, the temple has revealed things that make them consider.

Now, if we set foot in Göbekli Tepe, we can witness tourists, after a moment of being overwhelmed, starting to use cameras and phones to capture beautiful frames.

Most of the world’s major religious centers, past and present, have become destinations for pilgrims such as the Vatican, Mecca, Jerusalem, Bodh Gaya, Cahokia… And the Göbekli Tepe temple area is very likely was the first of them, the origin of religious architectural models.

From Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, we can see that it is people’s sense of the sacred, as well as their love for majestic landscapes, that have given birth to human civilization.

Conspiracy theories about aliens

The most surprising thing is that some of the pillars used to build Gobekli Tepe weigh from 40 to 60 tons, causing headaches for scientists in predicting transportation and construction methods.

With today’s construction techniques, chiseling, transporting and constructing tens of tons of stone blocks is not a simple requirement. So how did the backward prehistoric people living in 10 thousand years BC be able to perform such a feat?

According to the “12th planet” theory , there is a hypothesis about the existence of inhabitants of a mysterious planet located in the solar system. The inhabitants of the 12th planet have a flourishing civilization that discovered Earth in ancient times and they themselves left their mark by creating many great works.

A series of great ancient structures were probably built or supported by inhabitants of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Around the world today, there still exist many ancient structures made from giant blocks of stone, which are considered a characteristic feature of the construction style of the inhabitants of the 12th planet.

Supporters of the alien theory believe that the giant stone structures with towering peaks are used as a navigation system for flights from other planets to Earth. In addition to the hypothesis of intervention from extraterrestrial civilizations , other theories are not really reasonable enough to be accepted by the majority.