Eye Witness Accounts: American Man Testifies to Bizarre Dogfight Encounter Between Aircraft and Unidentified Flying Object (UFO)

A man in the US claims to have witnessed a strange fight between planes and unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

A man in Ohio, USA, claimed to have seen a fight between planes and UFOs. (Illustration photo: Internet)

On February 13, Investigators at the Global UFO Information Exchange Network (MUFON) received a report of a strange dogfight from a man in Circleville, Ohio.
MUFON, headquartered in the US, is the world’s largest organization specializing in UFO and alien sightings.

The anonymous man said he and his mother witnessed the incident at 9 pm “I noticed a ball of light flying in the distance.”

This witness said that the mysterious object could not be a star because it was larger and brighter, and nothing like an airplane. “My first thought was ‘Oh my God! I’ve seen this in many videos online – it’s a UFO’“.

Then he saw another point of light flying towards him and “they seemed to interact with each other”. “Soon later, flashing lights from planes appeared from all over the sky and surrounded two strange bright balls.”

This person said, on the ground under the flying objects, something flashed like lightning, but the sky at that time clearly showed no signs of thunderstorms. “It’s like a war between planes and light balls.”

He added that one of the planes was shot down by something on the glowing ball. “The spheres have appeared very aggressive. My face heated up and my heart beat very fast as I watched the unbelievable event.”

After that, the balls flew away, and the mother and daughter stopped the car. “We just kept going when I thought it was over, we spotted another similar sphere up ahead.”

This time, even the man’s mother saw the mysterious object hovering for a short time, then slowly moving north.

“Once again, I see commercial planes arriving after the ball. When the bright ball came closer, flying vertically above our car, it blurred and I could see that the object was shaped like a boomerang,” said the anonymous man.

After that, both the plane and the UFO flew away, and this witness and her mother returned home and tried to understand the incident.

MUFON said it will review the claim but in the past the organization has received many fictitious claims and hoaxes.