Expose the horrifying crimes of Oprah Winfrey that have been buried until now.

Oprah Winfrey’s story is a beacon of hope for many, inspiring millions worldwide with her rise from poverty, abuse, and racial discrimination to becoming one of the most influential and wealthy women in the world. As a billionaire, she has not only amassed significant wealth but also donated millions to education, charities, and relief efforts, such as building a school in South Africa and contributing to COVID-19 relief. Oprah’s success as a businesswoman and philanthropist is undeniable, and her brand appeals to nearly every demographic. She is often seen as an exemplary figure, a manifestation of the American Dream. However, a closer look at her actions and controversies reveals a more complex and possibly darker side to her persona.

One of the most recent scandals surrounding Oprah is the Maui wildfire fund controversy. Public outrage erupted when Oprah and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson requested donations for the victims of the Maui wildfires, despite both being multimillionaires. Many felt it was inappropriate for such wealthy individuals to ask for donations from everyday people, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck. Initially, Oprah promised $10 million to the victims, but it was later revealed that only $5 million was directly allocated to the fund. The rest was used as seed money to encourage further donations, which led to widespread criticism. Moreover, concerns were raised about the nonprofit organization managing the fund, the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF), which reportedly allocates only a small percentage of its income to actual victims while paying its executives high salaries.

Another controversy tied to Oprah is her connection to the documentary “Leaving Neverland,” which critically damaged Michael Jackson’s legacy. The documentary, which featured allegations of abuse against Jackson, was reportedly funded by Oprah, along with Harvey Weinstein and David Geffen. Critics argue that Oprah’s involvement in the documentary was part of a broader agenda to distract the public from Weinstein’s scandals by tarnishing Jackson’s reputation. This, combined with Oprah’s subsequent Apple TV deal, has led many to question her motives and integrity.

Oprah’s relationship with disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein also raises eyebrows. Despite publicly supporting the #MeToo movement, Oprah has been accused of turning a blind eye to Weinstein’s misconduct for years. Singer Seal notably criticized Oprah for her hypocrisy, posting a meme suggesting that she had long been aware of Weinstein’s actions but chose to remain silent. This incident highlights the perceived double standards in Hollywood, where public figures like Oprah are sometimes accused of protecting their interests rather than standing up for victims.

Oprah’s endorsement of controversial figures doesn’t end with Weinstein. She also promoted John of God, a Brazilian faith healer who was later convicted of sexual abuse and other serious crimes. Oprah’s platform catapulted John of God into global fame, attracting thousands of followers to his supposed healing practices. However, behind the facade, he was exploiting and abusing his followers, some as young as nine years old. Oprah’s promotion of such a figure has led to further scrutiny of her influence and the potential harm it can cause when misused.

In addition to these scandals, Oprah has been criticized for promoting questionable experts and pseudoscientific ideas. She helped launch the careers of Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz, both of whom have faced backlash for promoting unproven and sometimes dangerous health advice. Oprah’s endorsement of the book “The Secret,” which claims that positive thinking alone can bring about success, has also been criticized as promoting a delusional and potentially harmful mindset.

Despite her many achievements, these controversies suggest that Oprah’s public image as a benevolent, all-knowing figure may be more of a carefully crafted act than a reflection of reality. Her ability to maintain this persona while avoiding significant backlash is a testament to her skill as a communicator and her understanding of public relations. However, as more of her actions come under scrutiny, it becomes increasingly clear that the real Oprah may be far more complexโ€”and far less perfectโ€”than the image she has cultivated over the years.