The Enigmatic Incision on a Millennia-Old Giant Rock Defies Explanation

There are still many strange natural phenomena in the world that have not yet found answers. One of them that cannot be ignored is the Al Naslaa natural stone block located in the tourist oasis of Tayma, Saudi Arabia, with a perfect cut on the surface using modern laser techniques, dividing it into two perfect halves. perfect, with mysterious drawings on the surface.

The giant rock with a mysterious cut splits it into perfect halves

Discovered in 1883 by an American archaeologist, until now, the Al Naslaa stone block is still a mystery.

Divided into two halves with sharp cuts, after tens of thousands of years, they still stand firmly on just a very small base. Each half of the stone block is about 7m high, weighs hundreds of tons, balanced on the smaller rock below. The distance dividing the stone block in half is a perfectly flat surface with even distances of up to millimeters.

The cut was made thousands of years ago but is accurate and evenly symmetrical down to millimeters as if using laser technology. Meanwhile, the modern world has only known this technology since the 60s of the 20th century

Up to now, no one has been able to explain the origin of the cut? Is this a human product or a natural phenomenon? Some opinions also say that this is the work of a vanished civilization, with a very high technical level.

Strange images and characters on the surface of the giant stone slab

In addition, on the surface of the stone block there are mysterious drawings and characters. Do these drawings have anything to do with the confusing cut above? According to ancient documents, the Tayma oasis dates back to the 8th century BC. Hieroglyphs on the rock refer to Tayma as part of an important land route, connecting the Red Sea of ​​the Arabian Peninsula with the Nile valley.

The back of the stone block is not as flat as the front

Unlike the front, the back of Al Naslaa rock is not flat. Currently, unanswered questions about this place make it attract thousands of tourists to Tayma every year.