1808 Enigma: Unraveling the Mystery of UFO Spheres Hovering in the Skies of Biskopsberga, Sweden”

History records a series of mysterious phenomena occurring in the sky from around the world, most of them without a satisfactory explanation. One of them is a record of mysterious spheres flying over a small village in Sweden more than 200 years ago.

On May 16, 1808, civilians living in the small village of Biskopsberga – located near Skanninge in Ostergotland, Sweden – witnessed a strange event that cannot be easily explained. Currently, the village no longer exists, but at the time of the unusual phenomenon, it was home to about 300 residents.

The flying saucer appeared on a hot, cloudless afternoon with strong winds blowing from the west. While busy working in the fields, the farmers suddenly saw the sunlight shining throughout their village suddenly dim and turn into a gloomy brick gray. The intensity of sunlight decreased so much that villagers could look straight at the sun without feeling sore eyes.

Painting depicting the event of mysterious orbs appearing in large numbers in the Swedish sky (Photo: Science)

At the same time, a large number of spherical objects appeared from the western horizon. These unidentified objects from a distance appear to be quite small with a diameter of only a few inches. They appear dark brown and appear to be flying toward the sun. Then, as these strange objects got closer to the sun, they changed their color from dark brown to black.
For some unclear reason, the spherical objects slightly changed their course, moving straight ahead in clusters across the sky toward the eastern horizon. The strange phenomenon doesn’t stop there. During a significant period of time, new spheres appeared from the West and then disappeared when they reached the East.

That afternoon, the number of orbs flying through the sky over the village was so numerous that it was impossible to count. In the eyes of the villagers, it seemed like millions of small balls were lifted into the air by some magic power.
According to archives of the Swedish Academy of Sciences from 1808, “the phenomenon lasted continuously, up to two hours, during which time millions of similar objects appeared continuously in the West. , one follows the other irregularly. 

The spheres seem to have a premonition, they know how to change their speed and direction (Illustration)

One of the witnesses to this unusual phenomenon in the sky of Biskopsberga was KG Wettermark, a respected citizen and secretary of the Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Not far from where Wettermark stood, one of the spheres fell to the ground, and he managed to observe its behavior. He noticed that just before the balls hit the ground, they looked like soap bubbles that children often play with. He also immediately checked the spot where one of the spheres had fallen, and he saw nothing but a membrane as thin and smooth as a spider’s web. It is still changing color, but it quickly dries completely and disappears without leaving any trace.
What are these strange bubbles? Why were there so many of them flying in the sky that afternoon? And why do they seem to be able to consciously change the direction of their movement?

Going back in history, it was discovered that a similar, although not entirely identical, event occurred in Basel, Switzerland on August 7, 1566. At that time, the citizens of the city saw a large number of black orbs covering the sky. Not only did these objects fly towards the sun, but they also appeared to be engaged in an aerial battle.

Black spheres covered the Swiss sky in 1566 (Illustration)

The UFO sighting in Switzerland in 1566 took place at sunrise. People saw many large black balls moving at a very fast speed in the sky, flying towards the sun. These objects collided and created loud explosions with each other as if they were engaged in a fierce battle. Many of them turned red and produced fire before they were worn out and lost altogether. The strange phenomenon lasted for many hours that day before completely disappearing.

The main difference between the sighting that took place in Sweden in the 19th century and the strange appearance in Switzerland in the 16th century is that the black orbs in Switzerland cannot survive the heat from the sun. On the other hand, the spherical objects seen in Sweden change direction as they approach the sun.
Swedish were unsuccessful in solving the mystery, and none later came close to the truth even after the UFO sighting in the village that day was published in the Journal North America in 1816.
Currently, there are a number of theories that have been presented, speculating about what the strange UFO phenomenon in Sweden in 1808 really was. However, until now, no one really knows the answer for sure.