Empowered Womeп Defy Expectatioпs: Sυccessfυlly Giviпg Birth iп Their 60s

Most of them had to seek medical help to conceive, some gave birth to twins, triplets, and even quadruplets successfully.

Rajo Devi Lohan, also in India, gave birth to her daughter when she was 69 years old. She is considered the oldest mother in world medical history who has ever registered to set a record. The baby is now completely healthy.

Daljinder Kaur, 72 years old, India, holds the record for being the oldest woman to ever give birth to her first child. When their son was born, she was 72 years old and her husband was 79 years old. They are considered a brave couple in the world.

Dawn Brooke, UK, successfully gave birth naturally to a baby girl when she was 59 years old. Dawn is officially recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest mother to give birth naturally without medical help.

Annegret Raunigk, a German woman, successfully gave birth to four children when she was 65 years old. In total, Annegret had 17 children ranging from one to 44 years old. She is the woman over 60 years old with the most children in Europe.

Maria del Carmen Bousada de Lara: The Spanish woman lied to doctors that she was only 55 years old when she began the artificial insemination process. After giving birth to twin boys, she revealed that she was 67 years old. Maria hoped she could live and be a mother until she was 101 years old, but she passed away when her two sons were 3 years old.

Adriana Iliescu (66 years old): This mother gave birth to triplets but only one baby survived. Adriana’s baby is now named Romania’s most popular baby girl.

Bhateri Devi Singh (India) gave birth to triplets at the age of 66. The babies all survived and developed normally.

Elizabeth Adeney currently holds the title of Britain’s oldest mother when she gave birth at the age of 66. She said her health and that of her daughter are completely healthy. Elizabeth is a frequent guest on many television and radio shows.