In Dulali hamlet, a bizarre floating UFO city is discovered (VIDEO)

Unidentified floating objects (UFOs), also known as flying saucers, are a paranormal phenomenon reported worldwide.

At that time, almost early on, the village, consisting of a few hundred people, saw a bright light in the sky immediately after morning prayer at the local mosque.

The place was a border village called Dulali, in the southern Lanzai district of Dɑrɑzo local government of BaᴜcҺi State.

Suddenly, he became aware of a living and omnipresent light enveloping the atmosphere, followed by a sudden rise of consciousness as it fell on the village.

As he looks up to the sky as he advances, he sees the most astonishing view of his years of existence.

“The cloud was transparent and I saw beautiful tall buildings inside, with asphalt roads and cars.

If Saidu had been the only witness to this extraordinary experience, it would have been impossible to consider his testimony as fact.

Dauda Mohammed, a farmer, also told him he was in the fields.

A 10-year-old boy, Ibrɑhim, said he saw “the UFO” passing by a tree and seeing it on the other side.

Exactly two weeks after its appearance in our village, this flying object returned again to the same precise location and remained in the sky wandering around the area for almost an hour before returning.

However, Bɾιɑn Engler, a contributor to DoubtfᴜƖ News, believes that the “UFO” may have been a “fatɑ morgɑna” mirage.

“This appears to me to be a mirage of “Fata Moɾgana”, although I do not know if the weather conditions of the time and place would have supported this.

When the villagers of Dula were asked if they had seen any living beings inside the UFO, they were all certain and precise in their response that indeed no living being had been seen in this ɑpparente “city” in the sky.

At the time, in 2009, there were very few people who owned a mobile phone in Niger.