Denzel Washington Faces Off with Oprah (Video)

Oprah Winfrey, a household name in Hollywood known for her talk show, philanthropy, and generosity, is now under fire from some black actors who allege that she has not been fair in compensating them. This controversy has sparked a heated debate, particularly among black actresses like Taraji P. Henson, who have publicly criticized Oprah for her treatment of black artists.

Taraji P. Henson recently played a role in the 2023 musical drama The Color Purple, produced by Oprah. While this project initially generated excitement, the mood quickly soured when Taraji and others began to voice concerns over unfair pay practices. During an interview on Gail King’s radio show, Taraji became emotional, hinting at deeper issues between her and Oprah. The whispers suggest that Taraji wasn’t paid what she deserved, leading to a rift between her and Oprah.

This isn’t the first time Taraji has spoken out about pay disparities. In 2019, she revealed that she was paid only $100,000 for her role in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, despite acting alongside major stars like Brad Pitt. After negotiating, she managed to raise her pay to $150,000, but it was still far less than what she believed she deserved. Taraji’s experiences highlight the ongoing struggles black actresses face in Hollywood, even when they have achieved significant success.

What’s more surprising is that Oprah, a figure who has long been seen as a champion for black rights, is now being accused of exacerbating the divide between black and white actors. Some, like Taraji, hesitate to directly name Oprah, fearing potential repercussions for their careers. This fear is not unfounded, as seen in the case of Mo’Nique, who claimed that Oprah and Tyler Perry spread damaging rumors about her after she refused to do unpaid promotional work. Over a decade later, Mo’Nique’s career has yet to recover fully, and she still demands a public apology from Oprah.

Other black celebrities, including Fantasia Barrino and Halle Bailey, have reportedly faced similar mistreatment from Oprah, raising questions about her support for black artists. However, Taraji and her peers are not alone in their fight. They have received backing from industry giants like Denzel Washington and 50 Cent, who have publicly criticized Oprah’s actions. Denzel, known for his strong stance against racism, has consistently supported black artists, and his involvement in this issue underscores the seriousness of the allegations against Oprah.

Oprah’s critics argue that she has used her platform to increase her power and wealth, rather than genuinely supporting the black community. This sentiment is echoed by her own family, who have accused her of exaggerating her past struggles for the sake of ratings. These accusations, coupled with the claims of unfair treatment from black actors, paint a complex picture of Oprah Winfrey—a woman once seen as a beacon of hope for racial justice, now facing serious questions about her true legacy.

As this controversy continues to unfold, the entertainment industry is left to grapple with the implications of these allegations. Whether Oprah’s reputation will survive intact remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: the conversation about racial bias and fairness in Hollywood is far from over.