Decoding UFO Shaped Like a Missile: Appears Over 2,000 Times, Unveiling the Enigma

These rocket-shaped UFOs appear in large numbers, with more than a thousand sightings. Governments of various countries conducted investigations, and the results show that they have a technological level far surpassing that of humanity.

Investigations show that the ‘ghost rocket’ may be a high-tech flying object made by aliens. (Illustration via Adobe Stock)

‘Ghost rockets’ keep appearing
‘Ghost rockets’ are an unidentified flying object (UFO) shaped like a rocket, also known by other names such as: ‘Ghost rocket’ , ‘Scandinavian missile’. In 1946, it appeared in large numbers in Sweden and other neighboring countries.

On February 26, 1946, a Finnish observer discovered the existence of “ghost rockets”, and between May and December of the same year, “ghost rockets” were observed. about 2,000 times.

In addition to Scandinavia, there have been reports of “ghost missiles” in Greece, Portugal, Belgium and Italy. British troops stationed in Greece have recorded sightings of “ghost missiles”.

On September 5, 1946, then-Greek Prime Minister Constantino Chaldaris announced that he had seen “ghost missiles” in Macedonia and Thessaloniki on September 1.

On July 19, 1946, a witness reported seeing a gray rocket-like object falling into Kölmjärv Lake. Immediately afterward, the military sent people to the missile crash site on Kölmjärv Lake to secretly search for 3 weeks, but did not find any UFO debris. The investigation report of this search operation speculates that the “ghost rocket” may be made of a light and easily degradable magnesium alloy, making it impossible to detect with detectors.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Swedish Defense Forces publicly stated on October 10, 1946, that although the reliability of most reports of sightings was doubtful, military radars, echo sounders echo or other devices have received unexplained signals. This cannot be explained as a natural phenomenon.

Swedish Air Force officer Karl-Gösta Bartoll was using a detector to search for “ghost missiles” at Kölmjärv Lake on July 19, 1946. (Photo via Wikipedia)

Explanation arguments
There are 3 main arguments for “ghost rockets”: the meteor theory, the German rocket theory and the alien control theory.

The argument is that this unidentified flying object was a meteor, since the peak of the “ghost rocket” sighting happened to be the peak of that year’s Perseid meteor shower. But most of the times these unidentified flying objects appear, there are no meteor showers, and the technical parameters collected by the military do not match Meteor, so there is no way to prove “ghost rocket” is Meteor.

The argument that it was a German missile stems from the fact that only Germany had the ability to produce missiles at the time. It happened right after Nazi Germany surrendered, so it is believed that Germany conducted a missile test at the missile base at Peenemünde. 

However, those who witnessed the “ghost missiles” said that the missile’s exhaust path was not visible on these UFOs, and the horizontal flight trajectory also did not match the missile’s. Finally, Sweden, the UK and the US all expressed that they did not believe the “Ghost Rocket” was a man-made missile, nor did they find any fragments of the missile that could be used as evidence. .

Photographer Erik Reuterswärd captured an image of an unidentified flying object in 1946 (Photo via Wikipedia)

The extraterrestrial controversy began on August 14, 1946, when the New York Times reported that US Deputy Secretary of State Dean Acheson was interested in “ghost missiles”, and the Army Air Forces The United States also received orders for a thorough investigation.

CIA Director Hoyt Vandenberg stated in a secret memo to President Harry S. Truman that the “ghost missile” could not be a secret weapon of the Soviet Union, it was far beyond the level of military technology at that time. hour. The United States government then ordered General Joseph T. McNerney, commander of US forces in Europe, to develop a military plan as soon as possible to deal with the “Alien” attack. pure”.

Military decoding
The investigation team established by the Greek government concluded that the “ghost missile” was a Soviet missile passing through Greece. But in 1967, the head of the investigation team – Dr. Paulo Santorini, stated in a lecture of the Hellenic Astronomical Society broadcast on Athens Radio as follows: “In fact, as early as the end of 1946, we discovered that those UFOs were not ‘missiles’, but we could do nothing because of the Greeks.” military received orders from foreign authorities to stop investigating the incident.”

In 1997 AD, a joint US-Swedish investigation declassified by the US Air Force in Europe concluded that they admitted “ghost rockets” believed to be piloted by aliens. “We are concerned about repeated reports of ‘ghost missiles’, which appear to be cyclical,” the document said. There was an object that stayed at New Bieberg Air Base for about half an hour last week. These incessant reports of sightings from all over make it impossible to ignore their existence, … Assuming that these objects come from unknown or unknown technology, they could come from outside the Earth.”