Cristiano Ronaldo: The success story of the God of War comes from effort

However, what makes experts, media as well as young people today crazy about Ronaldo is not the huge wealth or awards he owns. Instead, Ronaldo’s relentless efforts despite failures, difficulties, and criticism are what make people respect him.

Ronaldo vs Messi: Effort and natural talent

People often compare Ronaldo with Lionel Messi, a natural genius with the ability to control the ball in scary narrow spaces and a skillful combination of the ability to score, support teammates, and magical dribbling techniques. sad.

However, if you follow Messi from the beginning of his career until now, you will see that his playing style and body shape have not changed much. Meanwhile, Ronaldo, when he first started playing football, had a performance-oriented playing style and a slim body, but now he has completely changed with tall physical strength, speed and hammer-like shots.

Even though he is an opponent on the field……but Ronaldo still receives respect from Messi

To reach the current level, CR7 had to go through an extremely hard training process, always changing, trying to train to perfect himself even though he did not have as much talent as other stars. litter. If Messi’s talent is God-given, then CR7’s success is definitely due to hard work.

When he first returned to MU in 2003, few people thought that the CR7 player could score 50 goals per season. Almost everyone at that time just thought that this was another new football talent of the club, nothing more.

However, when seeing CR7’s rigorous training, many people had to reconsider their assessment of Ronaldo. This player has an extremely strict regimen of training, rest, nutrition and therapy. Even when other teammates go home to rest after practice, Ronaldo still diligently goes to the gym to train his muscles and improve his physical strength.

Many people believe that Ronaldo’s strength and solid body give this player an advantage when competing for the ball as well as taking full advantage of his speed. However, these factors do not come naturally.

“I’ve never seen a player who practices as hard as Ronaldo. Ronaldo is always the first to arrive at the training ground and the last to leave. He spends 3-4 hours a day exercising” – Coach Jose Mourinho.

When he was in his twenties, while many talented players indulged in parties or other useless hobbies, Ronaldo was very clear between entertainment and career . He is present at events that attract the media but does not attend too many parties to maintain his training regimen and competition fitness.

In addition, the fact that his father passed away from alcoholism also partly influenced CR7’s hatred of alcohol.

Each training session, on average, Ronaldo lifts a total weight equivalent to 16 Toyotas. The average amount of fat for world supermodels is 13.8%, while Ronaldo’s is less than 10% thanks to a strict diet.

Even though he is 1m85 tall, he is not enough in aerial combat and Ronaldo has trained to be able to jump 78cm high, which means he can jump higher than basketball players. If he has momentum, he can jump up to 2m63 and “stop in the air” to compete with goalkeepers.

Ronaldo’s stunted body…

Thanks to strict compliance with this training regimen, the CR7 brand shines globally today.

Although he started out as a winger, Ronaldo possesses the qualities of a striker. He can shoot with both feet, always takes good free kicks and is a good shot with a header. Even in the friendly match with Bournemouth, Ronaldo’s free kick from 35 meters away broke the wrist of 11-year-old Charlie Silverwood, who was standing behind the goal at the time.

With skillful feet, Ronaldo has very good personal technique but can only really develop when there is space. His running speed is also terrible at 33.6 km/h, among the top 5 fastest players in football. At his peak, CR7 could push the ball 60 meters and run past 4-5 players.

Thanks to his diligent training regimen, Ronaldo has an extremely good physical foundation. On average, each season during his 6 years at Manchester United, he played 49 matches and never had to miss more than 15 days, even when injured. love.

If you look at Ronaldo, everyone has to admire him for maintaining his strength and will to fight even though he is no longer in his prime.

Loneliness is the friend of success

Similar to other stars, CR7 became the focus of media attention. However, with his big ego and strong personality, Ronaldo is sometimes not liked by the press. In 2007, “I hate Ronaldo” became the most searched phrase on Google.

However, those who have long contact with Ronaldo will have to have a different view of him when work principles are always put first by this player.

Many people look at CR7’s flashy, colorful appearance and think that Ronaldo likes to party, when in reality it is completely the opposite. After football practice, it’s time to go to the gym, then go home, eat, swim and sleep. The process is closed and almost continuous in CR7’s football career.

With a professional training schedule and serious attitude, Ronaldo has a lot of time to socialize and expand relationships. He spends most of his focus on practice sessions and playing football because CR7 understands that his success comes from hard work and not based on talent.

Even Ronaldo himself has quite high demands on his teammates when playing football and this makes those who play with him feel admired.

Perhaps it’s because of his big ego and his lack of communication that Ronaldo doesn’t have many friends and makes people misunderstand him. Practicing hard and living alone makes this player love himself more, but that’s not arrogance. All players who are close to CR7 must have a different view of him.

“He’s not arrogant. He has to endure the reputation of being a shy player, but honestly, he’s the most professional player I’ve ever played with. He never gives up easily and always takes the lead in everything, anytime, anywhere. Even if you play table tennis with him, Ronaldo will not give up easily. In life, he is a good person. He is quite normal. “weird, likes to tease people. In fact, I think he’s quite similar to David Beckham,” player Patrice Evra, a teammate of Ronaldo, commented about him.

In addition, despite having a big ego, CR7 also knows how to listen and learn if he finds it useful. Many former MU players such as Gaddy Neville or Ryan Giggs have given feedback on Ronaldo’s colorful playing style and when he realized that it was not beneficial to his career, CR7 limited the unnecessary moves when passing the ball. .

CR7 himself also realized that it is difficult for him to receive love from everyone. For Ronaldo, the results he achieves through hard training and always trying to maintain his passion will be the best proof for everyone.