Cosmic Symphony: NASA Records Chilling Sounds from Various Planets in Space

NASA has just released a recording of the sounds created by electromagnetic waves appearing in space. And this is not the horror movie sound effect you want to hear, even though it is similar…

Using special sensor equipment, NASA has recorded strange sounds appearing in space. These are the sounds of electromagnetic oscillations from different planetary environments.

Thanks to this technology, the US Space Agency (NASA) can capture unusual noises emanating from many celestial bodies in the Solar System.

Because vacuum is a non-physical medium, sound cannot propagate in this space, but electromagnetic waves can propagate in any medium including vacuum.

Therefore, using NASA’s state-of-the-art sensor equipment, electromagnetic waves appearing in space have been “translated” into sounds that we can hear and these sounds are quite scary.

Note that for each planet and its environment, the sounds will be different.

Neptune sounds like waves crashing on a beach, while at the end of the video you can hear the “voice” of Earth…