Contact with aliens: Expert investigation, surprising results

The amazing discoveries at the Tam Tinh Doi site have made many people curious and suspicious about the connection with aliens. What’s the truth?

Tam Tinh Doi was first discovered in the late 1920s. This site is extremely mysterious and is considered one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. Tam Tinh Doi site has an area of ​​12 hectares. km2, located in the territory of Guanghan city, Sichuan province, China.

By early 1986, archaeologists were surprised to discover thousands of precious artifacts, including a golden scepter. Through many excavations, up to now, experts have found 50,000 antiques made of bronze, gold, jade, ceramic and even ivory at Tam Tinh Doi.

The Sanxingdui site has changed Western perceptions of Chinese civilization. Instead, they realized that China has a larger and older civilization than previously assumed.

According to the announcement of the Sichuan Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Research Institute on June 13, experts unearthed about 13,000 antiques, including gold, jade and ivory artifacts at 6 Sacrificial burial pit at Tam Tinh Doi site. This contributes to helping experts decode the mystery of the Tam Tinh Doi culture.

Archaeologists discovered a bronze box shaped like a turtle shell containing a piece of jade in Tam Tinh Doi. Photo: Xinhua

In recent excavations, experts have applied many leading technologies in the excavation process to preserve antiques.

Antiquities such as the newly announced bronze altar found at the Sanxingdui site in Sichuan province last June have aroused people’s curiosity. Many people want to know if the Tam Tinh Doi culture existed at this site more than 3,000 years ago and was connected to other cultures from around. Many people have even raised suspicions that the Tam Tinh Doi culture may have been influenced by an alien civilization.

So, what is the truth to this mystery and question? To find out the truth about this issue, the Global Times interviewed archeology professor Sun Hua at Peking University and Khuong Tung, a cultural research expert.

The Tam Tinh Doi site hides many mysteries.
According to the carbon dating method, never-before-seen relics unearthed at the Tam Tinh Doi site dated to around 1250 BC, that is, during the period Shang Dynasty (1600 BC – 1046 BC). Based on discoveries at the site, as well as similarities in art and manufacturing techniques, experts believe that it is very likely that the Tam Tinh Doi culture was connected to other cultures.

Professor Sun Hua said: “Early civilizations would not have come from a single source. Judging from the information obtained so far, the Sanxingdui culture is likely a derived culture from ancient Shu”.

The Kingdom of Shu was an ancient state that existed from the 10th century to the 4th century BC, located in present-day Sichuan province.

Experts examine relics excavated from Tam Tinh Doi on July 7, 2022. Photo: VCG

Professor Ton Hoa added that, from the perspective of origin and culture, the Sanxingdui culture is a secondary civilization, formed from the combination of the Yellow River and Yangtze River cultures. , in the central plains of China.

Meanwhile, expert Khuong Tung said that most of the pottery excavated at the Tam Tinh Doi site shows a connection with the culture of the central plains. In particular, animal, fish or bird faces were inherited from the central plains. In addition, some bronze artifacts found in Hubei province and Jiangxi province (in Southern China) are very similar to the relics at Sanxingdui.

An almost intact elephant tusk was excavated from a sacrificial pit at the Tam Tinh Doi site. Photo: CFP

Experts say that Tam Tinh Doi culture is related to cultures that existed in Central Asia or South Asia at that time. As evidence, studies have shown that there is a bronze ornament inlaid with turquoise that may be related to what is now the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of Northwest China, or possibly even beyond.

Professor Sun Hua said that finding a large amount of seashells originating from the Indian Ocean at the Sanxingdui Site means they must have been transported from ancient India. This shows that these shells traveled through the precursor Silk Road that originated in ancient India.

Does Tam Tinh Doi have a connection with aliens?
This is probably the question of many people, because from the first moment the Tam Tinh Doi site was announced and introduced to the world, people have constantly talked about the unique shape and style of the sites. objects and artifacts found.

Among them, some bronze statues found in Tam Tinh Doi have very strange and uniquely crafted cylindrical eyes. Additionally, the eyes of other bronze statues are also very large, making them look like popular depictions of alien shapes in science fiction stories.

Because of the strange shapes of the artifacts found, some people hypothesize whether the Tam Tinh Doi culture ever welcomed visitors from extraterrestrials.

The statue has a strange face that makes some people think of an alien civilization. Photo: SCMP

However, Professor Ton Hoa said that the unusual features on the relics found are just artistic exaggerations. Therefore, this artistic creation cannot be considered a real image of the people in Tam Tinh Doi.

Through strange imagination and artistic exaggeration, it can be seen that the Tam Tinh Doi people combine human depiction with religious devotion. This is not surprising because it is also common abroad and in traditional religious cultures.

Professor Ton Hoa emphasized: “The relationship between the people of Tam Tinh Doi and aliens is just a science fiction fantasy. No one has ever seen aliens. Therefore, the relics have the shape of strange things found in the temples of Tam Tinh Doi give people a strange feeling”.

Around the world, ancient civilizations exaggerated the eyes and ears of gods to show that they had supernatural cognitive abilities that humans do not have. Experts are currently still conducting research to see how the San Tinh Doi culture ended. According to Professor Ton Hoa, this end may have been the result of an internal conflict.

In the coming time, experts will continue to explore the ruins outside the sacrificial area, and learn about the ancient and mysterious kingdom at the Tam Tinh Doi site.