50 Cent Sends A Strong Message To Oprah For Stealing From Black Actors (Video)

In the midst of a heated dispute between actress Taraji P. Henson and Oprah Winfrey, rapper 50 Cent has jumped into the fray, publicly criticizing Oprah for allegedly exploiting Black actors in Hollywood. This isn’t the first time 50 Cent has targeted Oprah, as he has repeatedly accused her of building her billion-dollar empire on the backs of Black entertainers, only to discard them when they no longer serve her interests.

The recent controversy arose when Henson called out Oprah for underpaying her in the upcoming film The Color Purple. Henson revealed in interviews that she hadn’t received a pay raise since her role in Proud Mary six years ago and almost turned down the role in The Color Purple due to the “disrespectful” initial offer from Oprah. Henson expressed disappointment, expecting more understanding from Oprah as a fellow Black woman, but instead felt undervalued.

The situation escalated when Henson appeared on CBS This Morning with Gayle King, Oprah’s close friend. During the interview, Henson hinted at quitting acting altogether due to the industry’s inequities, while King appeared to downplay her concerns. This perceived insensitivity, especially from someone close to Oprah, added fuel to the fire.

50 Cent, never one to shy away from controversy, voiced his support for Henson on social media, stating that he was ready to work with her and criticizing Oprah for her treatment of Black actors. He also referenced past incidents where he and other Black entertainers, such as Mo’Nique and Ludacris, felt mistreated by Oprah. Mo’Nique, in particular, has been vocal about how Oprah and Tyler Perry allegedly blackballed her after she spoke out about being underpaid for her role in Precious.

The tension between 50 Cent and Oprah dates back to his early career, when he accused her of being dismissive of hip-hop and favoring a predominantly white, older audience. His grievances intensified after Oprah refused to have him on her show, which he believed was a key platform for success. He retaliated by naming his dog after Oprah and his cat after Gayle King, a move that highlighted his disdain for their perceived elitism.

Others in the industry have also had rocky experiences with Oprah. Ludacris felt that she unfairly targeted him for his use of the N-word during an interview promoting the film Crash, and Dave Chappelle suggested that Oprah tried to label him as mentally ill during his appearance on her show.

50 Cent’s latest outburst is part of a broader critique of Oprah’s role in Hollywood, where he accuses her of prioritizing her own success over the fair treatment of Black entertainers. He has consistently supported those who have spoken out against her, advocating for a more equitable industry. As the feud unfolds, many are watching to see if Oprah will respond to these serious accusations.