Beyond the horizon: Delving into the mystery—Is there a type 2 civilization 94 light years from Earth or is it just a cosmic illusion

A strange radio signal emitted from the star HD 164595 located in the constellation Hercules, 94 light years away from us, is most likely the signal of a type 2 civilization.

In 1963, Russian astronomer Nikolai S. Kardashev created a measure of human civilization, known as the “Kardashev Scale”. This is a method of determining the advanced level of a civilization based on the level of energy that the planet can exploit.

Kardashev once confirmed his theory in an article about the information communication methods of planets other than Earth.

This was one of the works that influenced the scientific community at that time, contributing to his reputation. He developed his theory from the (alien) ability to transmit radio signals across space to exchange information.

In 2016, scientists discovered a strange radio signal coming from space, which they believe is coming from a type 2 civilization on the star HD 164595, some distance from Earth. 94 light years.

le of using up the energy of a star.

This means that if this signal was emitted by a type 2 civilization, they could be using the star’s energy to broadcast.

There are many different types of radio waves, but radio waves have very specific characteristics and are difficult to confuse.

However, scientists have confirmed that this signal is not from the earth because this wave is unlikely to appear if it is emitted from the Earth’s surface.

They examined the wave composition and discovered that the wave had the characteristic signs of being emitted by a type 2 civilization.

Scientists are currently continuing to research and analyze this signal to find more information about the civilization on the star HD 164595.