Beyond the Horizon: Delving into the Enigmatic Alien Abduction Event that Transcended Time and Space in Pascagoula, USA, Back in 1973

In 1973, an abduction by aliens near an abandoned old shipyard in Pascagoula, Mississippi, USA, caused a great stir and attracted media attention. public. public. More than 40 years later, the kidnapping victim wrote about her experience.

Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were abducted by aliens while fishing in the river in Pascagoula. . (Photo: t/h)

More than 40 years ago, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were abducted by aliens while fishing in the river in Pascagoula. Currently, Calvin Parker has written a book called “Pascagoula: The Close Encounter, My Story” (English title: Pascagoula: The Close Encounter).

This book is the first complete record of the events provided by Parker, it also includes stories that influenced his life from that event, the book contains many photos and documents. and articles.
“This happened on October 11, 1973,” Parker said. That day after work, a friend and I went fishing together.” He said that when they arrived at an abandoned shipyard, there was a small mound jutting out in front, and the two of them stood on the dock. “I guess it was around six o’clock at night. It was just starting to get dark, but it seemed like there was a bright moon at that time.”

Parker said he noticed a blue light reflecting from the water, and at first he thought it was law enforcement officers coming to tell them to leave. However, when he raised his head to look up, he realized that the light came from something he had never seen before.
“A strong light came from the clouds,” Parker said. This is a dazzling light.”
“It’s hard to describe this light, at first glance it looks like a soccer ball. Its estimated diameter is about 25m wide. The sound is very, very small, only the buzzing sounds can be heard,” Parker said.

Then the situation became more serious. Parker said that three legless creatures appeared on the spaceship. A creature without a neck, but with gray-white wrinkles. Another creature has a neck, which looks more feminine. Parker says their hands are shaped like crab legs.

When one of the creatures placed a hand on his arm, Parker said he was scared, but then another sensation appeared in his body.
“I think they injected us with something to calm us down,” Parker said. I felt a bit paralyzed, and had to agree to their plan.”
Parker said that the creatures took him and Hickson into the spaceship and examined both of their health. Then brought them back to the riverbank.
Parker said he didn’t want to tell anyone about what happened, but Hickson persuaded him to talk. The two of them then contacted Keesler Air Force Base, but were told they should call local authorities. So they contacted the Jackson County Peacekeeper’s Office.

According to Parker, both of them passed a sobriety test and a polygraph test. Parker said he also passed a vocal stress test.
The story seems to have ended, but for Parker, it has only just begun. This news spread around the world, and Hickson did not shy away from press attention, but Parker did not want to be the center of attention. Over the next few years, he said that when people realized who he was, he had to change jobs, and move to other towns. This is something he doesn’t want to discuss.
“By October of this year, I will have been through 45 years,” Parker said. “I never talked about it or wanted to talk about it.” “My friends are few, but they are real friends. They never asked me about this issue, I never talked about this issue. My family never talked about it either,” he said.
But Parker began to change his mind after attending Hickson’s funeral. There he came into contact with people he had not seen for many years, and he felt that they cared for him more than they cared for the person who had passed away.

“I signed the funeral register, and people recognized my name,” Parker said. He said, on the way back home, his wife told him: “You need to write this story down.”
Parker ponders what happened at the funeral, as well as speculate about what has happened by the river over the years, and his current state of health. He finally agreed.

Parker ponders what happened at the funeral, as well as speculate about what has happened by the river over the years, and his current state of health. He finally agreed. (Photo from dailymail)

“I think everyone wants an explanation,” Parker said. I want to write it down before I die. I had several near-death experiences, my health was not good. I just want to do this.”
That year Hickson was 42 years old, married, had three biological children, an adopted daughter, and worked as a foreman at a local shipyard. Parker was then only 18 years old, a worker at Hickson’s shipyard, living in Jonestown. Parker was both a colleague and a friend of Hickson.
The day before the incident, October 10, 1973, 15 people, including two police officers, saw a silver flying saucer flying slowly in the suburbs of St. Tammany, New Orleans, Louisiana.