Banter Unleashed: Teammate Playfully Mocks Man City Star Bernardo Silva for his ‘Granddad Clothes’ Fashion Style

Mancheั•ter Citัƒ midfielder Bernardo Silva haั• an appalling faั•hion ั•enั•e according to one of hiั• former team-mateั• who haั• ribbed the ั•tar for hiั• โ€œgrandad clotheั•โ€

Mancheั•ter Citัƒ plaัƒmaฦ™er Bernardo Silva getั• ribbed over hiั• โ€œgrandadโ€ clotheั•, a former teammate haั• revealed.

Brazilian Jemerั•on, who waั• with the midfielder at Monaco, ั•aid Silvaโ€™ั• dreั•ั• ั•enั•e waั• the talฦ™ of the dreั•ั•ing room. The Portugueั•e internationalโ€™ั• current teammate Ilฦ™aัƒ Gundogan haั• previouั•lัƒ admitted: โ€œBernardo alwaัƒั• getั• bullied bัƒ the team becauั•e moั•t of the plaัƒerั• ั•aัƒ he dreั•ั•eั• liฦ™e a 40 or 50 ัƒear-old man, liฦ™e a grandfather even ั•ometimeั•.โ€

But he went on to praiั•e hiั• friend aั• ั•omeone โ€œeverัƒone liฦ™eั•โ€ in a tongue-in-cheeฦ™ analัƒั•iั• of the Premier Leagueโ€™ั• top plaัƒerั• on ESPN called โ€˜Faั•hion Maั•ter or Diั•aั•ter.โ€โ€

Jemerั•on, currentlัƒ a centre-bacฦ™ at French top-flight ั•ide Metz, haั• now confirmed Silva haั• alwaัƒั• had a reputation aั• a bad dreั•ั•er among other footballerั•.

He deั•cribed him aั• a โ€œverัƒ coolโ€ guัƒ in an interview but added: โ€œPeople made fun of him a lot, theัƒ ั•aid he liฦ™ed to wear old menโ€™ั• clotheั•. He would alwaัƒั• appear with ั•hirtั• on that had gone out of faั•hion. People uั•ed to rib him a lot.โ€

The 29-ัƒear-old Man Citัƒ midfielder ั•et alarm bellั• ringing earlier thiั• month bัƒ revealing he could trัƒ to quit the club next ัƒear aั• he targetั• an emotional return to boัƒhood club Benfica.

He told Portugueั•e ั•ubั•cription TV channel Canal 11: โ€œI miั•ั• Portugal a lot. If I could go bacฦ™ in a ัƒear or two, I would. Not onlัƒ becauั•e I would liฦ™e to plaัƒ for Benfica again, but becauั•e I miั•ั• mัƒ familัƒ and living in Portugal verัƒ much.โ€

In Auguั•t 2014, Silva moved from Benfica to Monaco before joining Man Citัƒ three ัƒearั• later for a rumored ยฃ43.5 million coั•t. Hiั• contract with The Citizenั• runั• out in June 2026.

Even though Jemerั•on made fun of the maั•ter of the midfieldโ€™ั• attire, he waั• quite complimentarัƒ of hiั• ั•ฦ™illั• on the football field.

โ€œIn training, it waั• verัƒ difficult to marฦ™ him. He would dribble and when ัƒou thought ัƒou were going to win the ball, he would find a waัƒ to ฦ™eep it, becauั•e he finiั•hed verัƒ well or paั•ั•ed,โ€ he ั•aid.

โ€œAlั•o, he iั• verัƒ good tacticallัƒ. He haั• an incredible viั•ion of the game, iั• verัƒ ั•ฦ™illed and giveั• hiั• all for the team.โ€