Ancient UFO Chronicles: Unearthing Reports of Extraterrestrial Encounters 200 Years Ago Involving U.S. President Thomas Jefferson

Since 200 years ago, the appearance of UFOs was mentioned in a letter to US President Thomas Jefferson with details such as “shaped like that of a turtle and then like a human skeleton” increasing and decreasing speed. level quickly…

The above descriptions are mentioned in the book “The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series” by President Thomas Jefferson at that time, the book was reprinted in 2010.

Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father and the main author of the United States Declaration of Independence. He was the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809. Anyway, he was informed of one of the first UFO sightings in the history of the United States. More than 200 years ago, people witnessed a mysterious UFO.

Former US President Thomas Jefferson. (Photo: LinkedIn)

In fact, hundreds if not thousands of years ago, people around the globe have witnessed strange, inexplicable things in our skies. Some of these events have been explained as weather phenomena or astronomical phenomena, however some of them remain mysterious to this day.

200 years ago, former US president Thomas Jefferson read a report about a strange UFO that appeared earlier in the day. In “The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series,” he revealed that a tavern worker in Portsmouth, Virginia, and his friend informed the president about an unidentified flying object they saw. floating in the sky.

This flying object is like a meteor with the ability to “transform”, it turns into a turtle-like shape when flying in the sky.
Witnesses wrote in a letter to the president: “We saw in the south a ball of fire as big as the Sun which was obscured for about ten minutes by a plume of smoke emanating from its own body, but it still shines brightly in the end .”

This report is considered one of the first UFO evidence in US history. However, it still remains a mystery. But interestingly enough, this is not the first mysterious object that Thomas Jefferson ever noticed.

In 1804, a report referring to an unidentified flying object was made by naturalist William Dunbar and announced to the American Philosophical Society by Thomas Jefferson, then president of the Society as well as Vice President of the Society. President of the United States of America.

Unidentified flying objects were reported in 1804 to President Thomas Jefferson. (Photo: El Confidencial)

A strange phenomenon was discovered in the city of Baton Rouge on the night of April 5, 1800. It appeared in the southwest, moved very quickly and then disappeared in the northeast in about 15. This strange object is the size of a large house, more than 20 meters long.
This object glows and has a dark red color. Immediately after it disappeared in the Northeast, a fierce explosion rang out.

The report given to President Thomas Jefferson stated that when searching the scene, there was a lot of burned debris. However, the US president at that time had not received any answers to a series of questions he had requested to investigate and this caused everything about the strange flying object to remain in the dark. dark until this day.