Upcoming Surgery to Separate Conjoined Twins in Suwangi Timur

A set of conjoined twins with a single head and two bodies, born in the village of Suwangi Timur, Sakra District, Lombok Timur, is soon to undergo separation surgery. The twins, named Muhammad Karunia, were born at Dr. Raden Sudjono General Hospital in Selong, Lombok Timur, with one arm significantly larger than the other.

Muhammad Karunia, now eight months old, has not yet undergone the separation surgery, which will be fully funded by the National Health Insurance Program (BPJS Kesehatan). The parents, Sri Gede Jayadi and Sri Nurul Hidayati, who work as a farmer and a healthcare assistant, respectively, are struggling to afford the surgery, which is estimated to cost billions of rupiahs.

Despite the challenging circumstances, the parents are hopeful for assistance from the government and generous donors to facilitate the much-needed operation. The twins were born through a cesarean section on November 10, 2022, and are currently in good health, though the physical condition of having one head with two bodies presents unique challenges.

The family has sought medical care at Dr. Raden Sudjono General Hospital in Solo and the General Hospital of the NTB Province in Mataram. Unfortunately, the parents, facing financial constraints, have been unable to secure a surgeon willing to perform the separation surgery.

The Director of Dr. Raden Sudjono General Hospital, Haji Hasbi Santoso, confirmed that the twins were born conjoined and that coordination has been established with the family for intensive care in Selong and Mataram. The separation surgery is planned to take place soon at the General Hospital of the NTB Province in Mataram, pending the availability of pediatric specialists and pediatric surgeons from Surabaya.

While the cost of the operation will be covered by BPJS Kesehatan, the family is actively seeking support for other associated expenses. The surgery is subject to supervision by a team of specialists, including pediatric surgeons from Surabaya.

The twins meet the medical criteria for the procedure, being over 10 months old and weighing a minimum of 10 kg. The hospital assures that there will be no financial burden on the family, as the costs will be fully covered by their active BPJS Kesehatan membership.

The community and medical professionals are rallying support for the family, emphasizing the importance of timely and safe separation surgery for Muhammad Karunia. The heartening aspect is that the medical team is working diligently to ensure the well-being of the twins and provide them with the opportunity for a healthy and independent future.