My Baby’s Head Won’t Stop Growing : BORN DIFFERENT – YouTube

Life is never fair.

Sometimes the most terrible and unspeakable problems happen to those that are already having a tough situation with life.

We just have to find the best way to live with some things that we cannot change until we get a hand.

She is called Josephine, a lady that is going through a hard time because she cannot tell what is happening to her baby, and all she can see is that her daughter’s head keeps on getting bigger and bigger each day, and they cannot do anything about it.

You see people around her keep telling her to take her baby for treatment, and this is what they keep asking her to do.

But every time she is told about this, she starts crying, because she knows that there is no way that she is going to ever afford paying the hospital bills.

According to what she says, it is only her that has to carry this baby, because it is difficult for each and every other person because of the baby’s head.

It is too big and it makes the baby more heavy and complicated to carry, so it is always hard for others to do it.

This is her story.

Josephine says that this all started a long time ago when she was still a young girl in school.

She was okay and normal until she grew up and turned into a lady that was ready for marriage, and this is what she went for.

She formed a man that they fell in love with and started the relationship together, which later became so strong and got ready for marriage.

Everyone from both families was very happy and they gave them a go ahead.

It was a happy life for them after marriage and they were ready to have children, just like any other married couples.

She got pregnant and had the first child, who turned out to be normal, and they were very happy about it.

They also had the second one, who turned out to be okay and fine, but when she got pregnant for the third time, things totally changed from what they were used to.

When she was pregnant, she always used to experience a lot of pain, like she had never done before.

The pain was continuous and she now knew that something was wrong and not to know about this baby.

She did not know what it was until it was time for giving birth and they went to the hospital.

The doctors came to attend to her so that she could give birth after some time.

The doctors came out and they said that it had been hours, but she had failed to push the baby, so they had to check and find out what was wrong with her.

They took scans and with the look on their faces, she could tell that this wasn’t good news.

The doctor said that she was not able to give birth because the baby’s head was too big and bigger than normal.

There was no way that she could ever push this baby out, and the only way that she was going to give birth was if they carried out surgery, and this is exactly what happened.

She could not wait to see her baby.

Just like the doctors had said before, the baby’s head was bigger than normal.

According to what she says, the head wasn’t so big and it was a little bit bigger than normal, but she hoped that everything was going to be fine, but it didn’t.

Unlike other husbands that we always hear in different stories, who abandoned their waves in such situations, this was not the case with her husband.

He stayed and they decided to go through this together.

However much they were determined, they could not afford to pay for the baby’s treatment.

Um, when they came back home, the baby’s condition was getting worse.

The head was now becoming bigger and bigger, and they did not know what was happening.

They tried taking their daughter to the hospital again, but they were shocked when they got there, the doctors asked for a lot of money that these two could never afford.

They had nothing else to do, so they brought back the baby home and decided to take care of her the way she is.

Every time that she starts thinking about this, she cries.

Well, she says that she gets sudden cries, not because their baby is sick, but just because they cannot do anything to help their daughter and they have to look at her going through terrible pain and dying.

She says that at this point she can’t take it anymore.

Josephine is still hurting deep inside because until now she cannot tell what is happening to her baby and what she is suffering from.

She says that if she at least knew what her baby was dealing with, it would be a little bit better.

But now they also failed to afford this too.

This is their baby.

She is called Mariam

And she is three months old, with the size of a three-month-old baby whose parents say that her head keeps on getting bigger on a daily basis.

It is obvious that, if not treated as soon as possible, the situation will become worse.

Her husband is the one that has to go and dig while looking for money and food for his family.

This is the only way that they are able to survive, and it is how they have been living ever since she gave birth, and everyone can tell that this life is not the best.

After covering quite a number of stories of babies with an abnormal head size, Mariam 2 might be suffering from Hydrocephalus, a condition that a fluid fills up in the baby’s head, hence making it bigger and bigger each and every day until the liquid is drained out.

It is drained out by the use of tubes, and it is only carried out by professional and experienced doctors.

This might be just what this baby needs, and we hope that she goes through a medical checkup so that the doctors can confirm what it is.

They are now asking for help so that the baby can get advanced treatment in a much better hospital before they lose her.

Since it is obvious that with such a condition, Mariam might not be able to live for long without treatment.

The funds that will be used to give this baby the treatment that she deserves will be donated via giving life, a link that is in the description of this video and pinned in the top most comment buyer from Max English, and this is her only chance of survival.

Somewhere along the way, we learn that there is nothing greater than to do something for others.

Don’t deceive yourself.

Laughing at someone’s weakness is not the way to reveal your strength.

Your strength is in the help that you offer to them.

Thank you for watching.

My name is prince.

This is of remarks english.

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