Mysterious vertical pillars of light lurk in the wild forest (Video)

Watch the video of the mysterious vertical light pillar lurking in the wild forest. (Source: UFO Sightings Daily)

In a short clip taken from a wild camera shot in Arkansas, viewers can see six bright blocks stacked vertically on top of each other. The strange thing is that the 6 vertical blocks of light jump through the trees and trunks at extremely fast speeds, this object never touches the ground.

In front of the camera lens, a deer is calmly chewing on a bush, the animal does not pay attention to the strange object lurking behind.

The 6 vertical blocks of light jumped through the trees and trunks at extremely fast speeds, this object never touched the ground. (Photo: UFO Sightings Daily)

A famous expert on Big Foot creatures, named Morehead, confirmed that this strange object resembled the pillars of light he had witnessed in the Sierras.

In addition to suspecting that these 6 bright masses are UFOs, others believe that this is just the result of the camera seeing spider webs, rising swamp gas, or because the camera is broken.

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forest pillar of light UFO