Jennifer Aniston’s Journey: Navigating Life’s Challenges and Triumphs

Jennifer Aniston managed to build a dizzying career and literally became an icon of a whole generation.

However, there were a famous actress and dark times in the biographies. It is such heavy moments in fate Jennifer Aniston we will consider in this article.

Future world celebrity was born on February 11, 1969 in Los Angeles.

The greatest glory of Aniston brought the role of Rachel in Sitkom “Friends”. For 10 years of shooting in the project, the actress was awarded “Emmy” and “Golden Globe”. Jen also has a registered star on Alea Glory in Hollywood.

Active professional activity The celebrity leads to today. Among the most famous new projects in its service list are the film “Mysterious Murder” and the series “Morning Show”.

Heavy Divorce with Brad Pitt

Previously, we have already written about the 7 main novels of Brad Pitt. Until recent divorce with Angelina Jolie, it was the gap with Anneiston was the most loud in the biography of the actor. For the same actress, he remained the most painful so far.

The couple met during the period when Jennifer was already famous and spoiled attention. But Hollywood handsome conquered the heart of the girl, and not only by external qualities.

The wedding was played in the summer of 2000 and for a long time everything was absolutely harmonious. The crack in the relationship went when Pitt met on the set with Jolie.


The gap Jennifer Aniston was experiencing long and painfully. However, now the ex-spouses learned to coexist peacefully and even publicly pushed each other as old comrades.


After the divorce in 2005, the actress could not find his personal happiness for a long time. She even publicly declared that she was completed with the way “a lonely girl who myself copes.”

It should be noted that the problems in personal life did not affect the career Jennifer Aniston, which is becoming increasingly popular every year.

New serious relationships and regular marriage happened in the life of celebrity after many years. However, the marriage with actor Justinian Tera lasted only 2 years and ended in 2017.

Failed attempts to become a mom

Aniston always wanted children, but the circumstances were not the most successful way. During the relationship with Pitt, she had two miscarriages. Even artificial fertilization did not prevent successfully pregnant.

The actress itself once spoke out of the Glamor magazine. The celebrity noted that she does not have a list of mandatory things to feel like a woman.

“I did not give birth to a child, but gave life to many other amazing things,” Jennifer says. The world celebrity is recognized that it is never despair and is ready to take any development of events.

By the way, among world famous celebrities, the lack of children are not uncommon. For example, heirs did not get Helen Mirren and Rene Zellweger. There are such stars that have become mothers at the age of 40+.

Breaking Relations with Mother

Relationships with his mother’s mother Nancy did not add up of future celebrity from childhood. Jennifer Aniston claims that he never felt the love of mother, who criticized her appearance all the time.

Additional damage to the relationship caused a book that Dow wrote about their family. The published details of the personal life Aniston were long discussed in the yellow press and delivered actress many problems. /

In addition, the mother of the celebrity simply crossed out the girl from the will. All these moments are explained why Jennifer was not very sad, learning about the death of the mother.

Absolutely opposite feelings of the actress were to grandmother Stelle. It was this woman who presented a Hollywood star love and support that his mother was not able to provide.

Health Diet and Health Problems

As a child, Jen loved to fly sweets and was, according to her father, “cute pyshki”. Food habits did not disappear and over the years, which did not like the director of the series “Friends”.

Actress had to lose weight by 14 kg and keep this weight for 10 years. Eniston vegetable salads hates to date. /

According to one of the versions, it is hard restrictions in food that caused problems with reproductive health actresses.

But not all famous women torment themselves with strict diets. There are stars that are absolutely satisfied with their usual physique.

And what other interesting facts from life Jennifer Aniston are known to you? Tell us about it in the comments!